
What do women look for in a man?

There are various qualities that determine for women whether they find a man attractive and whether they want to enter into a relationship with him. The preference for certain traits, such as appearance, status, wealth and the like, arose during hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, during which women had to be very selective when choosing a mate. One of the most researched topics in evolutionary psychology is the study of factors that determine mate choice in men and women.

First of all, for the understanding of this article, it is important to briefly describe the basic factors of evolution.

Two basic factors of evolution

The two factors underlying evolution are survival and reproduction. The end goal of these two goals is to maintain and pass on the genes. According to the theory of evolution, almost all behavior that animals (and humans) exhibit serves this purpose.

Successful reproduction

For our evolutionary ancestors, choosing suitable partners was of great importance for successful reproduction. If women chose an unreliable man, a weak man, a lazy man or a man with whom they had nothing in common, they ran the risk of losing their partner prematurely, or of their husband not providing adequate protection and care for their children.

Evolutionary psychologists have identified a number of female preferences in selecting a male that are common to most cultures. Each of these preferences can be traced back to the resolution of one of six important factors that were essential during evolution when choosing a partner.

Six factors important when selecting a man

  • Choosing a man who is able to protect her, herself and her children
  • Choosing a man who is healthy
  • Choosing a man who is able to invest in her and her children
  • Choosing a man who is willing to invest in her and her children
  • Choosing a man who is a good father
  • Choosing a man who suits her

determine this factor in a man, a woman could (and can) pay attention to certain qualities of a man that are related to one of these. The most important properties are described below, per basic factor with which they are related

Choosing a man who is able to protect her, herself and her children

  • power
  • Length
  • Courage
  • Sportsmanship/physical fitness


Choosing a man who is healthy

  • External attractiveness
  • Symmetry (a sign of good physical development in youth)
  • No visible signs of illness


Choosing a man who is able to invest in her and her children

Good economic prospects

  • Status
  • Age (older men often have more status and resources)
  • Ambition
  • Diligence
  • Health


Choosing a man who is willing to invest in her and her children

  • Reliability and stability
  • Signs of love and loyalty
  • Good interaction with children


Choosing a man who is a good father

  • Reliability
  • Emotional stability
  • Friendliness
  • Good interaction with children


Choosing a man who suits her

  • Same interests
  • Not a big age difference
  • Not too different personalities (‘opposites attract’ usually doesn’t work in the long run)

Women who made poor choices in their mate selection were less successful in passing on their genes than women who were sensitive to the cues of positive qualities in a man described above. As a result, preferences for these traits have been reinforced again and again in the genetic material of humans.

Women do not have to be aware of the cause or reason for their preference for certain qualities. Evolved mechanisms often influence behavior unconsciously.