7 Hal Yang Dapat Dilakukan Di Tumkur Yang Layak Dikunjungi ke Karnataka

Birthday on February 2?

Every day of the year has its own history. If major disasters happen on a certain date, the associated dates usually remain fresh in the memory. Less catastrophic…

Panduan Wisata Kuil Rudranath: Yang Perlu Anda Ketahui

Initiatives based on positive psychology

Positive psychology came into the spotlight when Martin Seligman became president of the American Psychological Association in 1998. Seligman assumed that we should focus on strengthening people’s ‘strengths’…

10 Tempat Untuk Dikunjungi Di Kopenhagen Untuk Menyaksikan Budaya Besar Denmark Pada Tahun 2023

February 1, history

February 1 is mainly a historic date because of the 1953 flood disaster, in which approximately 1,800 people became victims of broken Dutch dikes. Most of the victims…

8 Tempat Terbaik Untuk Dikunjungi Di Kurunegala Untuk Menyaksikan Pemandangan Yang Menakjubkan Di Sekitar Kota

Positive psychology: from complaints to strengths

Positive psychology assumes the importance of positive experiences, positive qualities and positive institutions. On this basis, several strengths were developed, namely characteristics of a person that are considered…

Hotel Terbaik Di Kanpur Untuk Dipesan Musim Panas Ini

A view on emotions: Broaden-and-build theory

Barbara Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory assumes that positive and negative emotions differ in their action orientation. Negative emotions cause narrowed behavior, positive emotions cause broadened behavior. This theory offers…

7 Tempat Untuk Dikunjungi Di Ankara Untuk Lebih Dekat Dengan Budaya Turki Tidak Seperti Sebelumnya!

Principles of positive psychology

According to Seligman, positive psychology contains three principles. First, positive psychology looks at the positive perception or emotions of experiences from the past, present and future. For example,…

8 Vila Terbaik Di Jimbaran Yang Akan Membuat Anda Memiliki Liburan Mewah Di Bali!

Flood disaster 1953

1953 is known for the flood disaster in Zeeland. During the night of January 31 to February 1, dikes broke, in the early morning of February 1. The…

Kehidupan Malam Aqaba: 5 Bar Menakjubkan yang Akan Membuat Anda Mengalir!

Does color add something to life?

Some people like sober or even gloomy colors and other people just want color around them. What matters is that you feel happy about something. Yet we are…

6 Hotel Luar Biasa Di Alberta Yang Akan Membuat Menginap Anda Sangat Mewah Di Tahun 2023

The Book of Job, an introduction

The book of Job is about suffering man and the pressing question of why the righteous must suffer. Scientists cannot date the book accurately. It was probably written…

9 Tempat Untuk Dikunjungi Dekat Air Terjun Bambarakanda Untuk Petualangan Di Sri Lanka

Empty labor: squeezing oneself into work despite all the pressure of work

There is a lot of talk among labor experts about increased workload, stress and burnout. Sociologist Paulsen, on the other hand, in his book “Empty Labor” talks about…