Perjalanan Bali Kami Dari India Adalah Tentang Kesenangan, Makanan Lezat, Dan Petualangan Kecil!

The feeling of fabrics

We often do it unconsciously, but when we look at furniture, clothing or cushions in the store, we run our hands over them. Even with other mostly natural…

6 Bar Terbaik Di Kolombo, Sri Lanka Untuk Malam Yang Luar Biasa Bersama Teman!

Raising teenagers: how do you do that?

Many parents will recognize it: endless discussions with their teenage son or daughter about the smallest things. Adolescents trying to take control at home. Adolescents who get out…

Olahraga Air Di Spanyol: Saatnya Melepaskan Batin Bayi Air Anda!

Origin of the Earth: the Gap Theory

The Gap theory is known in the Netherlands as the theory of restitution. This theory is somewhere between the theory of creation and the theory of evolution. People…

Perjalanan Anggaran Bulan Madu Kami Ke Sri Lanka Dari India Sangat Layak

Military Social Work as an identity broker

Military personnel and veterans identify strongly with their military identity. In this piece I want to pay attention to identity in general and the importance of military identity…

Olahraga Air Di Spanyol: Saatnya Melepaskan Batin Bayi Air Anda!

The multi-systemic approach to criminal behavior

There has been much discussion about treatment for criminal behavior. What works and what doesn’t work? Which approach is most effective in the long term? Just punish or…

Perjalanan Anggaran Bulan Madu Kami Ke Sri Lanka Dari India Sangat Layak

Inadequate development of conscience and crime

Much research has already been done into the motivation for criminal behavior. Can crime be explained on the basis of a single theory? It is precisely for that…

Panduan Perjalanan Pasca Covid Ke Turki

The cultural approach as an explanation for criminal behavior

Much research has already been done into the motivation for criminal behavior. Can crime be explained on the basis of a single theory? It is precisely for that…

Blue Lagoon Di Islandia: Panduan Untuk Spa Panas Bumi Yang Ideal

How do I survive the evening, have to go to the obligatory boring dinner

Eating out in an expensive restaurant is sometimes fun, but often also deadly annoying. If you know in advance that you will have to sit next to one…

10 Hal Yang Menyenangkan & Menyenangkan Untuk Dilakukan Di Irlandia

Few women at the top, men have higher positions

More women study than men, they complete their studies earlier and yet only 10 percent of professors in the Netherlands are women. In the business world, too, the…

12 Hal Yang Tidak Boleh Dilakukan Di Sri Lanka Jika Anda Ingin Liburan Bebas Repot

Food and emotion

Everyone suffers from it sometimes; a bad feeling. For many people, food is a good solution to neutralize this feeling of emptiness and negativity. But is it really…