
The history of Germany

Germany was a large and powerful country and played a role in many important wars. However, Germany only became a really large country later, rather it was formed from small kingdoms, but later around 1800 it was united as a large whole and was large enough to dominate Europe. However, Germany’s power was very variable. Here we will look at the course of the history of this kingdom.

Germany in the Middle Ages

In the year 962, the leader Otto 1 united the German kingdoms into a large whole. The empire lasted for quite a while, but was not very strong, which was because the local rulers always wanted to have full power and expand considerably. Yet Germany became richer and richer until around the 15th century it controlled the financial affairs of Europe.

Around the 5th century, Christianity emerged in Germany, but it took a very long time before most of the population converted to Christianity. It was not until around the 8th century that most of the population believed in Christianity. Germany’s northern cities worked very well together in trade, making the country a lot of money. In Germany, the well-known Rennaissance emerged early, around the 15th century, with less emphasis on faith and more on life itself. A new kind of art also emerged.

Germany in the Thirty Years’ War

In the year 1618 a major revolt broke out against the rule of the Catholics. This is how the Catholics and Protestants found themselves on opposite sides. However, many other nations chose the Protestants because they thought they could weaken Germany. However, this was not the only religious war in Germany. Earlier in the year 1524, many farmers took advantage of the feud between religions and started a revolt with the aim of a higher rank in the social ladder.

Origin of Imperial Germany

The creation of a large German empire became increasingly popular after the failure of Napoleon in 1815. However, it would take many years before anything really came of it. In the year 1862, Bismarck came to power and decided to create a great Germany. He also wanted many more colonies than there were already. Germany grew considerably under his rule and after his death this task was taken over by Messrs Willen 1 and later Willem 2. They founded many colonies in Africa, among others, but ultimately this was one of the causes of the first world war that lasted from 1914 to 1918.

Germany becomes Social Democratic

After the loss in the First World War, Germany had to pay many reparations. They had to pay a number with no fewer than 15 zeros and of course that was never possible. And yet so much had already been destroyed after the war. This allowed Hitler to easily come to power which he did with his good charisma. Most believed him and if they didn’t they were killed. Ultimately this caused World War II until Hitler committed suicide and Germany surrendered in 1945.

Germany after the war

First, Germany was occupied by various countries including England. In 1949, the country was split into two parts with communists on one side and capitalists on the other. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Germany became a prosperous country again and was no longer closely involved in wars.