
Which diploma will earn me the most?

The diplomas that earn you the most money are usually diplomas with a medical or technical background. That’s because there is a high demand for these people. Almost all of these degrees are obtained at university. People with a HBO or MBO diploma usually earn slightly less. Someone with a medical degree earns the highest salary on average as a starter. Read all about it in this article. Many people consider how much they can earn in the future when considering their study choice. The income that people earn is an important reason why they work. Especially highly educated people with a technical or medical education can earn a lot of money. Below you will find a top ten of the highest paying jobs. It almost always concerns academic courses at the university. HBO and MBO diplomas earn less.


The highest-paying profession is the profession of doctor. In 2010, a starting doctor earned an average of 3,258 euros. A starting doctor must then follow a six-year training course, after which he or she must specialize further. Before someone can start work, he or she has usually completed about ten years of training.

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Someone who obtains a diploma in pharmaceutical sciences earns 2,739 euros as a starter. Anyone who has followed this study is researching the best way to manufacture medicines. It therefore requires a lot of research and knowledge of the human body.

Civil interior

Anyone who trains as a Civil Engineer can become an architect. An architect earns an average of 2,689 euros as a starter. Due to the economic crisis, there is a surplus of architects. This is because construction has come to a standstill and few new buildings are being built. In the future this may turn out to be more positive.


Someone with a degree in Bioengineering earns an average of 2,540 as a starter. For example, a bioengineer is concerned with landscape design. The University of Wageningen is the only university in the Netherlands that offers this course.

Computer science

A master’s degree in computer science yields an average of 2,469 euros for a starter. Men in particular follow this course. There is a high demand for people with this diploma. They can enter at all levels.


A law degree yields an average of 2,424 euros. Someone can also specialize in this area, for example in employment law or criminal law. A lawyer can work in many places, for example as a lawyer, but there is also a great demand for well-trained lawyers in the business world.

Exact Sciences

People with a master’s degree in biology, mathematics, geology and chemistry, for example, can earn well on the labor market. The average gross income for a starter is 2,414 euros. That is because there is a great scarcity of these people. For example, they can work in the business world or in education.

Commercial engineer

A commercial engineer earns an average of 2,393 euros as a starter. A commercial engineer connects the technical aspects within a company with the economic aspects. Previously, people who wanted to become commercial engineers had to complete an economics course and an engineering course, but can now combine these.

Economical sciences

Anyone with a degree in economics or econometrics, for example, can earn an average of 2,352 euros as a starter. These people can mainly work in the business world. Economists are also in great demand at various government agencies.