
Back to work fresh after the holidays!

That beautiful summer is over again… just like your holiday. You had been looking forward to it for a long time: holiday!! But everything fun passes quickly. Some people feel reborn after their holiday and return to work in good spirits. But usually that feeling doesn’t last long. How do you get back to work fresh?

Holiday blues

Maybe you’ve been to Spain, France, Italy or some other sunny place. Perhaps you have been lazing on the beach or finally had time for sporting or cultural activities that always seem to be missed throughout the year. You were able to decide for yourself what you did with your time. No deadlines, no annoying colleagues and no overtime. All stress and worries have fallen away. This gives you a lot of energy and you go back to work whistling and in good spirits. But very soon this feeling seems to have sunk alarmingly deep. You’re a victim of the holiday blues. The routine has taken over again and old conflicts and irritations arise again.

Tips for a fresh start

A few useful tips can go a long way to helping you retain the positive energy you gained during your holiday. Follow the tips below for a fresh start.

Take time to acclimatize

Some people, when they start working straight away after their holiday, experience serious and long-lasting complaints, such as sadness, lack of concentration and fatigue. It is therefore advisable to plan a few days between returning from vacation and the first day of work. This way you slowly get time to acclimatize. You go back to work rested. And that is very important for a positive state of mind.

Holiday habits continue

During your holiday you may have done things that you enjoyed and no longer do once you get home, such as walking, reading, taking a nice bath, having drinks or cooking extensively. Keep these activities in. Lack of time is no excuse. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable in your own skin, otherwise you will never be able to function optimally. So just schedule time for these things.

Make plans and carry them out

During the holidays you finally get the chance for contemplation. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there is no time to think about what you are doing and what you really want. This is possible during the holidays and inspiring ideas can arise. After your holiday, don’t stop at these ideas and take action. It will only make a difference if you make a realistic plan and actually implement it. Don’t let these good ideas fade away in the busy everyday routine.

Don’t rush too much on your first day at work

That’s easier said than done for most. Not every employer is aware of the holiday blues of his employees and immediately comes with piles of work. Not to mention the thousands of emails and letters waiting for you. Try to keep a cool head and first make a selection between what is urgent and what can wait a while. Prepare your work well and make a schedule of how you will tackle the overdue work. If the work is really overwhelming you, you should better organize the transfer of work during your absence before the next holiday. Something may have gone wrong there this time.

Stay relaxed by breathing well

This good advice seems so obvious, but it is far too often overlooked. It is a tip that not only applies when you have just returned from holiday, but that actually applies to every situation. In any case, it is important to consider this when you are in danger of losing yourself again in the stress of everyday life. Research has shown that when someone becomes tense, they forget to breathe. The result is that the brain does not receive enough oxygen, which means that your food is not digested properly and the muscles in your neck, shoulders and back contract. This makes you even more blocked in your activities.

Find allies

Exchange experiences with colleagues. Tell about your holiday and listen to the holiday stories of your colleagues. They most likely recognize the feelings that arise after a holiday. You are not alone.

Looking for a new job?

Most people get into a bit of a slump after the holidays, but quickly find their feet again. But what if the positive energy really doesn’t come back and your gloom and fatigue prevail? In that case, you should take these feelings very seriously. See what is missing at your work and whether a solution can be found. Discuss this with your boss. Look at the situation honestly. You may have to come to the conclusion that this job is not suitable for you and that you should look for something else.