Entry and exit controls on persons

If you want to join a company, that is often not possible. People want to know who you are and whether you are authorized to enter. This particularly applies to semi-open and enclosed objects. Companies take preventive measures in the form of controls and other instruments to prevent possible dangers. We are familiar with the control of persons and goods. This article discusses entry and exit controls on persons.

Access controls

Now that the era of locks, systems and barcodes is coming to an end, more and more emphasis is being placed on personal controls. The purpose of access control for persons is to prevent unauthorized persons. A person is unauthorized if he or she does not have permission to enter the object. Make no mistake, working and opening hours also apply. Many large companies require identification. You can identify yourself with a valid passport, identity card, driver’s license or alien document.


There are of course countless dangers if access and exit controls are not carried out when visitors, staff or other people want to enter the object. Business processes are often secret from the outside world and there will be a lot of information that must be kept within the company. Consider, for example, new products, inventions or recipes. There may also be hazardous substances or equipment present that one must be aware of. The main reason that entry and exit controls are implemented is to prevent unauthorized persons.

Biometric identification

Other methods that are found to be very popular are biometric identifications. Consider an iris scan. It is the newest and most complicated way to determine identity. Access control through an iris scan is based on the visible facial features of the iris. Secondly, there are also facial recognition systems that were initially used when football riots had taken place and the like. These systems automatically recognize faces based on a database and can find out within five seconds whether you are authorized to enter.

Key card

A key card is a plastic card that allows the user to enter an object. The card does not contain any personal data. The card is read by equipment that checks whether the user is allowed to enter. There are two types of key cards. A keycard with a numerical code or without a numerical code.

Smart card

At first glance, the smart card looks a lot like the key card, but in reality it has many more options. Unlike the key card, it also contains personal information about the holder. However, what is written on it is not simply readable. The information is on a so-called memory chip. The advantages of the smart card are that you have all kinds of options with the card. For example, to open doors, get coffee from a machine, register times or enter a computer network. Finally, you do not need a security guard to carry out the identification for this system.


It is essential that organizations continue to identify their visitors in order to continue to ensure safety. Nowadays, many advanced systems have been developed that the company can choose from. The control of persons can take place using recognition by security guards, key cards, smart cards, identification cards or access cards.