Hotel Terbaik di Seoul

Personality disorders

Your personality is your ‘own nature’, which distinguishes you from others in your interactions. That is something different than your identity. Your identity is the subjective image that…

9 Tempat Scuba Diving Terbaik di Polinesia Prancis

Dealing with problem behavior

If you work in healthcare, you will have to deal with problem behavior. Whether you work with young children, teenagers or the elderly, problem behavior can occur in…

10 Tempat Scuba Dive Terbaik Di Kalimantan

Coping strategies

Everyone has to deal with things like stress, disappointments or other setbacks. Every person deals with this differently, in their own way. However, there is a line to…

13 Restoran Terbaik di Udaipur

This is the meaning of our existence, whether you like it or not

Why am I on earth. What is the meaning of life, the point of our existence, the purpose of all sorrow. Religions provide an answer, but not convincingly….

20 Restoran Teratas di Tokyo

Insecure attachment & secure attachment: characteristics of attachment

Attachment is a lasting affective relationship between a child and his caregivers. Good, secure attachment between parent and child contributes to the child’s health and to his or…

10 Restoran Terbaik di Maladewa

Is prostitution a profession or modern slavery

Nowadays, many women from poorer areas, especially Eastern Europe, are brought to the Netherlands to work as prostitutes. Is this just a job or is this modern slavery?…

15 Restoran Terbaik di Sydney

Adolescence: Sexuality and family situation

Adolescence, also called puberty, is the most complex developmental phase in a child’s life. Numerous problems, including depression, arise particularly during this phase. It is an emotional roller…

Apa yang Harus Dimakan di Lingkungan Sundar Nagar Delhi

Gangs in America: MS-13

MS-13, also called Mara Salvatrucha 13, is sweeping across America like a plague. The word ‘mara’ stands for youth gang, while Salvatrucha refers to the guerrillas in El-Salvador…

9 Restoran Terbaik di Singapura

Reform pedagogy

Around 1900 there was dissatisfaction with the old 19th century school system. It was felt that individual freedom was restricted too much and that this led to cadaver…

Apa yang Harus Dimakan di Lingkungan Shahpur Jat Delhi

Credit crisis and suicide – the possible causes

The credit crisis and suicide: on January 6, 2009 it was announced that 74-year-old German billionaire Adolf Merkcle had taken his own life after seeing almost his entire…