
Freinet education

The school of ‘the past’ (that of everyone pointing in the same direction and keeping their heads closed) no longer exists. Primary schools have changed since the introduction of the Basic Education Act. In the classroom, a conscious relationship is made between the school and what is happening in the world. The refreshing and innovative wind that has blown through Dutch primary education is partly due to educational innovators such as Montessori, Freinet, Steiner, Petersen and Parkhurst. CĂ©lestin Freinet lived in the south of France from 1896 to 1966. As a teacher, he noticed that children were not fascinated by his theoretical lessons, but that they were interested in their environment and children’s own experiences, and that they liked to go out with each other.


Children only really learn when they can learn by acting and experimenting, in other words, by doing, and when they can talk about it with others. Not only the cognitive, but also social aspects and expressions are important.

Every child has a natural need to work, for example to build a camp or make a drawing. This means more than playing a computer game, which children often do when they are bored.

Children must be raised to be critical adults. Children are also treated as equal to adults.

The school must be designed as an inviting workplace.


Instead of providing material chosen by the teacher and the educational system, the children are supported in their search. The children investigate and come up with questions. These questions and experiences are answered and explained in the group so that others can also learn from them. Communication plays an important role, not only between children, but also with the teacher, parents and the outside world. The teaching material mainly consists of texts written by the children, which they print, copy or distribute via the computer. Free expression occupies an important place. Through mime, dance, theater, painting, drawing, music and sculpting, the children express themselves and show how they experience the world. The rooms are divided into themed corners, for example a carpentry corner or the kitchen. The children make things here for each other and for the whole group. Children are made responsible for the social life in the group. They are also responsible for the daily activities and are given tasks such as cleaning and shopping. Children are taken seriously and their independence is increased.

Freinet is best known for the practical implementation of his ideas. In consultation with the students, a plan is made for school events, consisting of a general plan, annual plan, weekly plan and daily plan.

The results are discussed in the group meeting or with the teacher. Children are therefore given the opportunity to help organize and give content to the educational process themselves. Together they can participate in many decisions and are ultimately responsible .

There are Freinet schools all over the world, including in France, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Austria and Poland. There are 15 Freinet primary schools in the Netherlands, 44 in Belgium.