
Dress Slim!

“A slimmer appearance without losing weight” focuses on the face. What can you do with makeup to look slimmer? A lot, as it turns out. the importance of good cosmetics has again been demonstrated. However, make-up is not the only determining factor in looking slimmer. You can do a lot more, besides 15 sit-ups and half an hour of exercise in the gym every day.

Wear appropriate clothing

If you look at Rosanne Barr in the film She-Devil, this is clearly visible. In it you see her change from an unattractive woman into a diva. And that starts with wearing well-fitting clothing. If you wear clothes that are too small, or too tight, or constricting, it will look fattening. It is better to buy one size larger that fits well, and therefore look younger, than to keep saying out of a false sense of shame that you are really a size 41. You have that size too, but it doesn’t fit. And have you ever noticed that if you wear well-fitting clothes, they don’t ask you what size you are? In short, well-fitting clothes are flattering and make you appear slimmer.

Wear dark colors

Dark colors such as black, dark blue, brown and dark green are immediately slimming. Just look around you. You won’t see Erica Terpstra walking around in a large Hawaiian shirt whose colors hurt your eyes. Erica also realizes this. And so she wears dark colors. For an immediate result, wear a black turtleneck, a dark blue T-shirt or a dark gray dress (you can dress it up with accessories, after all, you are not going to a funeral).

Visit the hairdresser

Visit the hairdresser and don’t be afraid to leave a few euros there. And before you even sit in the chair, you also make an appointment for 6 to 8 weeks. Then you sit down and, in consultation with the hairdresser, you choose a flattering hairstyle. Many people don’t realize that a flattering hairstyle that suits your face has a huge impact on the impression you make. Whether you are fat or not. If you wear a haircut that makes you look poofy and unkempt, then you look poofy and unkempt. And that’s the only thing people remember. Even if you have lost 15 kilos, it will not be noticed! That first impression of your mind sticks. Also talk to your hairdresser about your figure. A good haircut can enhance or destroy your figure. A good hairstyle strengthens or weakens the lines in your figure that you want to accentuate or hide.

Gets bigger

Look in your shoe closet and see if you have any shoes with a heel. No? Hoppa To the store to buy shoes with a heel. 3 centimeters can make a big difference. It’s as if your legs are longer (the leg line really looks longer), and your posture is also different with heels. Just think about what type of heeled shoes you are going to wear. Cowboy boots with a slanted heel make you look taller, but are they more beautiful? Then it is better to opt for a pair of pumps or shoes with stiletto heels for under your pants. That has a much better effect.