
Depressed? Try to do something about it yourself first

Depression has been ubiquitous since time immemorial and in all cultures throughout the ages. This will not change in the coming decades. What has changed and will continue to change is the way we deal with it. This is because knowledge about depression has increased and will continue to grow over the years. As knowledge about depression has increased, we can do more to help ourselves.

Depression through the ages

It turns out that in ancient times they knew many things about how the human mind works. The ancient Egyptians tried to cure depression with plants and herbs. The ancient Greeks thought medicines like poppy and donkey milk would help. In addition, certain therapies were recommended such as gymnastics, baths and massages. There were also theater plays where patients could find relaxation. It seems that in the Middle Ages, they forgot all those old methods and saw people with depression as possessed by the devil. Locking up and tying up was therefore the medieval remedy. Nowadays it seems that we have reinvented the knowledge that the ancient Egyptians and Greeks already had. Various medicines that have their origins in nature and the herbal remedy St. John’s wort are used again today.


We all feel sad sometimes and sometimes we just don’t feel like it anymore. Or you wake up and don’t feel like getting out of bed. Yet we are not depressed. We are depressed when we have five or more of the symptoms below and they last longer than a week.

  • Having suicidal thoughts
  • Hurt yourself physically
  • Sleep problems
  • Being overtired and having no energy
  • You are restless and nervous
  • Your eating pattern deviates from your normal pattern, you lose or gain weight
  • You don’t feel like having sex
  • You cry a lot
  • Self-confidence is hard to find
  • Nothing is good enough
  • Inexplicable aches and pains



The cause of depression can be due to many different factors. Traumatic experiences in your youth, a death, a divorce or a major change in your life. You can become depressed when you retire and suddenly seem to fall into a hole. People often think that from now on they will no longer be able to contribute anything to society and the family, and this can lead to depression. Your lifestyle can also contribute to your depression. An unhealthy lifestyle with irregular and unhealthy eating, little exercise and a lot of alcohol can also be a cause of depression. And sometimes there is a physical cause at the root of depression. An underactive thyroid gland can cause people to quickly become tired, gain weight and fall into depression. An overactive thyroid makes you restless and causes weight loss. Nowadays, antidepressants are also prescribed far too quickly to people who are not actually depressed at all, but just feel less comfortable for a while. Diagnosing it is still very difficult because depression is different for everyone.

What can you do to become happier?

The first step is to change the way we think about happiness. Happiness is not something that someone can give you, nor is it something that you can obtain, like a diploma. Happiness is nothing more than an effect on your state of mind. You can influence this effect yourself. There are different ways to consciously evoke a feeling of happiness. The result will truly give you a feeling of happiness. However, this is not a one-off action. It only works if you make it a long-term activity. It must become automatic.

Say ‘no’ for once

If you always say yes to everyone, it is inevitable that you will regularly go beyond your own boundaries. When someone asks you something, don’t answer right away, but take the time to think about it. Do you really want to take over that shift from your colleague? Do you really want to go to that movie? Or do you just say yes so as not to offend anyone? Remember that it is not always selfish to choose for yourself and only do things that are asked if you really want to do so. You will find that you are much happier when you can be who you are.

Money makes you happy… Or not?

Many people think that if they had more money they would be happier. Nothing is less true. Studies have been conducted on people who have won a lot of money playing a game of chance. It turned out that in general these people had not become happier, in fact, most of them had actually become more unhappy. The more money you have, the more money you want and it is never enough. You can also enjoy things that don’t cost money. Take a walk and look at nature, which is beautiful in its own way in every season. You can also read a book, travel far and meet new people without getting up from your chair.


People who have social contacts are happier than people who often sit alone behind the computer or are always alone at home. Married people are happier, more energetic, and live longer than unmarried people. A couple that has just had a child is very happy, but on the other hand, this feeling of happiness decreases sharply two years later. When you work on your family ties and family life, it makes you happier.

Set goals

People like to set a goal for themselves and when they achieve that goal they feel much happier. A couple who sets a goal together and actually achieves that goal will have a better bond.

A smile on your face

When you have a smile on your face you naturally feel much happier. Laughing for half an hour just burns 250 calories. Laughing every day is very important for your mental and physical health. When people laugh, the brain releases endorphins and you immediately feel happy. Even if there is nothing to laugh about, because fake laughter also has the same effect as a real fit of laughter. When you start with fake laughter, real laughter will follow automatically.

Think positive

Try to remember the positive things in your life and write down three positive things at the end of each day. We usually remember the train that was late or that annoying guy who drove so slowly. From now on, try to remember the train that was on time and the lady who gave you priority. Look at the things you have and not at the things you don’t have.

be happy with yourself

When we look in the mirror we are often not satisfied with what we see. There is always something we don’t like. From now on, start looking at yourself in a different way. You are also a beautiful person.

You are who you are and no one else

Don’t compare yourself to others, you are just the way you are. There is no need to want to be someone else. There is a good chance that the other person thinks the same and wants to be you.

Nobody is perfect

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes and by making mistakes you learn. Many women want to be the perfect mother. Nobody is perfect and children learn from the mistakes their parents make. Feelings of guilt are part of it, but don’t hold onto those feelings for too long. They are good for nothing and will not help you achieve anything good. It is better to learn from the mistake you made and not make it again than to remain stuck in guilt.

How are you?

When people ask you how you are doing, give an honest answer. When you give a sincere answer, you will also receive a sincere answer in return.

Get rid of negativity

Try to spend more time with optimistic people. Then you automatically become optimistic. Dealing with negative people makes you negative too.


Do something crazy, take a different route to work or order a completely different sandwich than usual. Do something spontaneous every day to get out of the rhythm. Then you learn to deal with risks and you deal with changes more easily.

What are you good at?

When people know exactly what they are good at, it is often seen as arrogant. Yet it is good to know exactly what you are good at. Think of five things you are good at and use one of those things to do something with every week. You will soon feel happier.

I have everything and now I am happy

Many people think that if they have everything that is important to them, then they will be happy. I have a family, a job, a house and can go on holiday every year, now I have to be happy. However, that’s not how it works, happiness is not something you have to be because you have everything you ever wanted. Positive thinking contributes to the feeling of happiness. Think positive and do positive things and stop thinking that you have to be happy. You will see that you immediately feel a lot happier.

Body and soul

If you have always been active in sports, you probably know that you start to feel very happy after exercising for a while. This is because the body produces a substance that makes you feel happy. You don’t even have to exercise very hard to get this feeling. A brisk walk is enough. An additional advantage is that you will soon feel fitter and that will certainly improve your mood.