
Buying a stroller: 10 points to consider

Strollers come in several variants. For example, you have a buggy, a duo stroller or a combination stroller. These variants are available in all shapes, sizes and brands. Well-known brands are Bugaboo, Quinny, Maclaren, Koelstra, Maxi Cosi and Mutsy. In addition, there are various ‘house brands’ from baby product chains for sale. Anyone looking for the best pram or buggy quickly loses sight of the forest for the trees. You naturally want the best for your child, but the price and ease of use of the stroller also play an important role. However, there are several factors that can help you make a choice. Before you buy a stroller, determine for yourself what your requirements are and what your budget is. If you think about your wishes in advance, it will be a lot easier to find the perfect stroller at the perfect price.

1. Price

For many people, price is an important factor. Strollers are available in all price segments. It is wise to determine in advance what budget you have for purchasing a stroller. For most people, this means that a number of strollers are already missing. You can of course also choose to buy a second-hand stroller. Provided it has been properly maintained, you can still buy an expensive brand for little money.

2. Agility and control

Once you use your stroller, it is important that it steers smoothly and is easy to maneuver. But the perception of this differs per person. Do you like agility or do you prefer ‘robust handling’? Do you think you will often walk through the forest or will your walks be limited to the paved road? A consideration that must be made is the choice of three or four wheels. Strollers with three wheels are more manoeuvrable, but strollers with four wheels often have more stable handling. The size of the front wheels is also very important for maneuverability.

3. Push handle

Strollers are equipped with push bars or handles. For tall or small people it may be important that the height is easily adjustable. For example, if you always have to walk crooked, walking with a stroller is no fun. In addition, various models are equipped with a reversible push handle. This means that you can choose whether the child can face you or the other way.

4. Compactness and folding and unfolding

If you only use a stroller for walking and never fold or unfold, this aspect makes little difference. But if you often want to transport the stroller in the car or on public transport, compactness is important. For example, does a folded stroller fit in the car? This can be especially a problem if you only have a small trunk. In addition, one stroller folds much easier than the other. A difficult to fold model gets on your nerves when you have to fold and unfold the stroller several times a day.

5. Comfort

You obviously want your child to be able to lie comfortably in the stroller. Every child has a different body proportion and not every stroller suits every body shape. It is also good to consider whether you want an adjustable backrest and footrest. By adjusting this you can always easily offer your child the most comfortable position (for example putting the stroller in sleep position so that your child can take a nap).

6. Tires and wheels

You may not have noticed it yet, but there are also big differences in terms of tires. One stroller has thick pneumatic tires, another has small hard wheels and another has swivel wheels. All these variants have different properties. Large pneumatic tires are more suitable for driving over heavy surfaces (forest or beach), but are less manoeuvrable. Smaller wheels and casters are more agile and better suited for maneuvering through busier city life.

7. Maintenance and cleaning

Anyone who uses the stroller a lot will soon discover that it gets dirty. Mud, spilled food and drinks by your child, and so on. If you hate cleaning, it is best to buy a stroller that is more straightforward and has few nooks and crannies. The more simply designed strollers are much easier to clean.

8. Solid and longevity

If you only want one child, a more fragile-looking and cheaper stroller or buggy may be sufficient. If you are purchasing for your first child and you plan to have more children, it is better to buy a sturdier and more solid model. These may be a bit more expensive, but you will recover these costs because the stroller will wear out less quickly.

9. Accessories

Do you think you will use a lot of accessories such as a parasol for the sun, a warm footmuff or a rain cover? Then choose a model that offers those options. In some cases, these accessories are already included as standard. This saves the later (expensive) purchase of these additional products. And what about a handy shopping bag under the stroller? If you plan to always go shopping on foot with the stroller, a large shopping bag is a must.

10. Use experiences from previous buyers

The possibilities of the internet are limitless. There are a lot of user reviews from buyers on the internet. It is fairly easy to see how buyers have experienced a stroller in practice. However, it should not be forgotten that every person reacts differently to certain characteristics. Qualities that are perceived as negative for someone else do not necessarily have to be negative for you.

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