
The holiday dip

During the period around Christmas, many people are cheerful, excited and busy preparing for visitors, preparing the home and/or preparing a festive meal. What we hardly or not at all deal with during that period are the people who have a dip during this period. No persistent depression, but on and around the holidays a gloomy, listless feeling where pulling the blanket or duvet over you gives a soothing feeling.

Observe and act

If you have noticed it now or previously, you can of course choose to analyze the entire process. But in general, that doesn’t get you any further and the chance that you keep going in circles is even greater. After all, it is not something that can be undone, if it can be undone at all. Opinions vary, but more and more specialists indicate that someone who really has nothing to do with holidays cannot get enthusiastic.
It goes without saying that this only applies to people who do not want to skip the holiday due to a traumatic experience. In such a situation you can let the unpleasant experience make way for new pleasant experiences and it is better to call in a professional for such a process.
In this article we are talking about people who have nothing to do with these holidays, possibly in combination with the gloomy period of the year.

To work

If the period around the holidays can be stolen from you, staying in bed for a week and a half to two weeks is usually not the solution. Doing other, fun things usually yields more. Fun, energy, inspiration, etc. This should preferably be in an environment where you are not confronted with all kinds of things around the holidays. It will be distracting and not good for your mood.
But start by naming things. What is your feeling and name it. Take it as a given and try not to feel it as a burden. If you are unable to do the latter, it is good to feel what the feeling just mentioned does to you. Lethargic, tired, grumpy, gurgling in the stomach, etc. Think about what the opposite of this feeling is, and what it can do for you. Actively work on this wherever you go.


A process in which you use your mind to create a different situation than the current one is preferably done in an environment where you are not distracted. Nature can be such an environment and if the forest with fallen leaves is depressing for some people, then take a walk along the coastline. Especially in clear weather, the view is wide and can help in the process in a positive way. The process where you deposit the opposite of your feeling in your head and have to make it your own.

Manipulate your brain

Making it your own means actually continuing to work on the feeling you want to evoke. What happens to your body is that your brain is, as it were, fooled. You manipulate your brain, as it were. By evoking the desired feeling, your brain gets to work by producing the associated pleasant feeling substances.
By the way, this is something you often use unconsciously, but for a negative feeling you can absolutely also use it consciously. So if you want to bridge that dip around the holidays, make sure that your brain – through the substances that belong to your pleasant thoughts – gives you the corresponding feeling. If you can spend such a period in an environment where you are not bothered by people in the Christmas spirit, then you will get through such a period unscathed.

Some examples:

  • Bubbles of nervousness in the stomach turn into bubbles that give you more energy. You grow up again, you grow, so to speak.
  • Tense feeling around the chest, turning to large and especially deep breathing. This provides an enormous amount of extra oxygen to the body.
  • Pressure in your head, redirect it into the energy that needs to be released and which you convert into activity. Taking some deep breaths and drinking some fresh water will leave you feeling calm but ready for activity.



But it is not easy to find the right environment, after all, Christmas is a universal festival within Christianity and you will either have to go to the middle of nowhere (where nature is an excellent alternative) or to a place where the Christian faith plays no role. . Unfortunately, that is usually not right next door.

In conclusion

All this looks more or less like a flight and in fact it is. A flight that you choose to give yourself a pleasant time during a period that you would otherwise spend quite depressed at home. So what do you choose?