
Preschool and early education: VVE

The Dutch government invests money and time in Preschool and Early Education (VVE). This means that toddlers are already guided in such a way that developmental delays are prevented. There are special VVE playgroups, but also VVE daycare centers. By using VVE, the government looks at long-term effects: they aim to reduce unemployment in the future and significantly reduce antisocial behavior in society.

Sharon Dijksma of the PVDA allocates a lot of money for VVE

She sees the added value of working extra on the development of children through educational programs, starting from toddler age. She also advocates a language test for three-year-olds.
The VVE policy is aimed at disadvantaged groups.

Proponents and opponents

The proponents of early childhood education and a language test for three-year-olds believe that something must indeed be done to reduce developmental delays, especially in the area of language. They support the government’s motive: to prepare today’s children for a reasonable future, able to receive a good education, earn their own money and be socially adapted in society. The VVE programs are not exclusively aimed at language development, although they are used most often. They also focus on cognitive (learning, understanding and remembering) and social-emotional development.

Opponents believe that today’s society already places too many demands on children. They preferably have to complete primary school in 8 consecutive years, they often start swimming lessons at the age of four to get their A, B and C diplomas and they also ‘have to’ go to all kinds of clubs. Opponents think it is exaggerated that toddlers are already involved in educational programs.


The educational programs that are used in addition to regular guidance take place in a playful manner. Toddlers do not realize that they are being put to work. In a VVE playgroup, in addition to the teacher, a tutor has been appointed who is specifically involved in guidance in the context of the VVE program.

Does VVE work?

During the development of young children, ‘neural pathways’ are created in the brain. The most important routes are built in the first six years of their lives. This means that as children come into contact with a diversity of developmental opportunities, neural pathways are established well and firmly: thus developing skills that children can benefit from for the rest of their lives . However, it is important that development opportunities continue to arise and that the children are given the opportunity to continue working on their skills.

But in any case, it is very important that development opportunities arise, otherwise skills cannot be developed . Toddlers like to learn through play, they are easy to ‘mould’, so offering the material from the VVE programs will certainly be a plus for their development.

The facts

Whether or not VVE works has been and is being extensively researched. The results so far have not been disappointing, especially when it comes to language and speech development and cognitive development . When the programs are implemented properly the results are very good. Expensive programs are implemented well, so the positive results apply to the more expensive programs. The quality is considerably better. With cheaper programs and poorer quality, the results also decrease. Good results have not yet been achieved specifically when it comes to social-emotional development ; it cannot really be demonstrated that this development actually improves as a result of additional education.

VVE at playgroup and daycare, the difference in results

The special early childhood education guidance does not necessarily have a good influence on daycare centers. This is because daycare centers are mainly aimed at caring for children. The educational aspect at a daycare center is therefore less present. It does have an effect on playgroups (see above). Playgroups already have an educational character and prepare children for primary school.