
Children’s treats, what to pay attention to

A birthday is of course a big celebration for children, especially if you can also hand it out at school. Yet it is often difficult for parents to come up with a fun and appropriate treat that the birthday boy or girl is also happy with. In this article you will find some general tips for making treats.

Making treats

Making treats can take up quite a bit of your time, time that you don’t always have. It is therefore good to ask yourself in advance when you can spend how much time on your child’s treat. If you already know that you will not have much time to complete the necessary program on the morning of the distribution, it may be useful to choose a treat that you no longer have to pay attention to on the big day itself, not You can finish each treat the night before!

If the treat cannot be completely finished the evening before handing it out, you may be able to do some of the work in advance so that you only have to assemble it the morning itself. In that case, remember to store the preparations as best as possible in, for example, closed boxes so that bacteria do not have a chance.

If you really want to make something that needs to be kept cool, consult with the school in advance to see if they have space to keep the treat cooled. If this is not the case, you can always bring the treat during the day around the time of distribution.

Inquire at the school

It is important to inform the school in advance whether what you want is actually possible. It is a nice idea to treat yourself to ice cream in the summer, but if the school does not want to cooperate with this, you have a small problem. In addition, this way you will quickly hear whether there are certain things that you should take into account, for example a child in the class who is intolerant to certain nutrients. This way you avoid disappointments.

Sweets or no sweets

Of course, schools are also extra focused on healthy treats, especially in the current health hype. Many parents will know from experience that overly healthy treats are not always appreciated by all children. Furthermore, even healthy snacks will damage children’s teeth, including savory bites. It is not always taken into account that these healthy snacks, such as nuts, can literally go down the wrong throat of young children. When it comes to foods that contain sweeteners, you run the risk that some children will have a bad reaction. In addition, in today’s mixed classes, the problem often arises that certain children are not allowed to eat certain foods (you can ask the teacher about this!) As a parent, there are many considerations that you have to take into account. Sometimes sweets are simply a happy medium.

Choose something that suits your child

A bit of an open door, but because of all the searching it is sometimes overlooked. Choose a few options and discuss with your child what he/she would prefer to hand out. This way you can take some control and your child will be happy too

The transportation

Sometimes it is no problem at all to come up with or choose a nice treat. However, please keep in mind that the treat must also be able to be taken to school (do you have access to a car or just a bicycle) and that your child must also be able to hand it out. Large and heavy treats usually fall off quickly.

Ready-made treats

Sometimes as a (working) parent you simply can’t manage to produce a great treat for your child, despite all the tips and tricks. In that case, you can always get rid of it the right way by ordering a ready-made treat. There are many examples on the Internet of companies that supply treats in all possible shapes and flavors.