
Sex education, what parents need to know

Most parents find sex education for their growing children to be a difficult matter. Often with procrastinating behavior. However, nowadays the sexual stimuli from outside are so bizarrely enormous that there is a danger that growing children will start to think very superficially about having sexual contacts. Teen pregnancies have been increasing alarmingly in recent years. When do you, as a parent, start sex education at home? How do you approach it? An overview:

Central role of parents

The parents both have a central role in the sexual education of their children. This is a subject that you as a parent cannot leave to others (the school).

Children should receive good sex education

Parents generally find it very important, even though they may feel a bit uncomfortable, to give their children good sex education. Talking to them about all aspects of sexuality.

What is good for the child itself?

It is better for the child to have received his first sexual lessons and information from his parents (or counselor!) than for the child to learn about sexuality in biology lessons at school. Or that the child should learn what sex is from a friend. Or see what sex is on TV. Or find a sexually explicit text message on a mobile phone. Or come across a sex banner on the internet.

Parental shame

Parents may themselves have received inadequate education in the field of sex education during their childhood. Some parents may even have had a very strict upbringing. Some parents may fear that simply discussing sexual matters will encourage children to engage in sexual behavior. However, realize that today’s children are presented with enormous sexual stimuli from outside, especially in a country like the Netherlands. Children must receive good and solid sex education.

Overwhelming sexual stimuli from outside, what does that do to the children?

The sexual stimuli from outside are enormous! As adults we can put that into perspective, children cannot. Realize that children in primary school (unconsciously!) already receive a lot of information about sex, via the internet, via TV, via text message and also via their friends! The danger is that growing children will start to think very superficially about sexual contacts.

Education: respect for your body, for yourself and for others

It is therefore important to teach children respect. Respect for their own body, respect for the body of others, respect for themselves and respect for others. Having sexual contacts is not a superficial activity.

Never discuss sexual topics with the children in a secretive and secretive atmosphere

For many parents, sex education remains a difficult task. However, realize that there may be secrets about various sexual topics. Not everything needs to be discussed immediately ,openly,. However, it is extremely important that sexual topics are not discussed with the children in a secretive and secretive atmosphere! Children immediately sense that something is being hidden from them.


During primary school years, children already discover that sex is something mysterious!

Talking about sex with your (young) children

The younger you as a parent start talking about sex with your children in a harmonious atmosphere (note: not completely complicated sex education!), the easier it will be to be able to talk to them in all honesty and openness later when they are almost teenagers. talk about all facets of their sexuality. When they are in primary school, you can slowly, step by step, start to build a relationship of trust with your children about sex education. Every time they grow spiritually, you as a parent can take sex education one step further. Listening is just as important as providing information. Listen to what your child has to say or ask.

No stress, no tension, take your time!

Very important advice for parents is that before you start talking to your children about sexual topics, you do not experience any stress or tension yourself. If you’ve had a pretty stressful day at the office today and you’re still pretty upset about it, it’s not advisable to start a tense conversation about sex with your children. Calm down first, relax!

Sex education at school

From (approximately) the age of fourteen, most children and young people receive sex education at school. Most children find the lessons quite meager. Some people do not even receive any information at school. As a parent, inquire whether the school your child attends provides sex education and, if so, at what level. As a parent, realize that children or young people as young as fourteen can already be sexually active, good information before they become sexually active is necessary!

Safe sex

In addition to teaching children respect for their own body and that of others, it is very important that children know what safe sex exactly means and entails. It will increase their awareness so that they can act independently and appropriately and reduce teenage pregnancies. The risk of sexually transmitted infections and contracting a venereal disease and/or becoming infected with the HIV virus is also of great importance – in their own interest! – that they know what it is and how they can prevent it: by always having safe sex!