
How do you know someone is lying to you?

Sometimes you feel like someone is lying to you, but you can’t really tell that it is so, how can you tell that someone isn’t telling you the truth?

To lie

Everyone lies from time to time, a white lie is easily made. Most people don’t mind that at all and think that it is quite possible. Things are different when it concerns big lies or when the person who is not telling the truth has a close relationship with you. For example, if your partner does not tell you the truth, that is bad. When your employer seems to beat around the bush, it makes you insecure and you don’t really know where you stand. Sometimes you wish you could read your mind so you could know if someone is lying to you or not. Fortunately, it is possible to read from someone’s behavior whether he or she may be lying. Pay close attention to the tips below. Of course, it is still not proven that the person you are talking to is indeed lying, but you do have a reason to ask whether he or she is telling the truth.

Repeat your question

When you ask someone a question about what he or she has done or thinks or thinks about something, this person may repeat the question. If this is the case, he or she may do this to buy time to come up with an answer that satisfies or reassures you.

Tell a lot of details

When someone tells a lot of details when telling his or her story, it may indicate that this person is telling the truth. Telling a lot of details is of no use at all for a true fact. Then a sober summary of facts will be sufficient to make a story clear.

Changes in the way you talk

When someone speaks in a different tone than normal or when someone speaks extra quickly, he or she may do this consciously or unconsciously to hide the fact that the truth is not being told. Speaking quickly can also be caused by uncertainty or fear that the lying will be discovered and the truth will emerge.
If you hesitate, falter or say ,eeeeh, a lot, this can also be a case of lying. The person you are talking to may be stalling at those moments to gather his thoughts and come up with a good answer to avoid the truth.

Reacting in shock and surprise

A sign of lying can also be acting shocked and surprised and acting as if he or she knows nothing. As a result, people try to divert attention in order to gain more time to think about which lie they can use as a way out.

Striking use of the hands

While telling a lie, the person may repeatedly touch his or her face, especially the area around the mouth. It is as if the speaker wants to hide the fact that lies are being told.

The guilty becomes the accuser

If the accused turns the tables and accuses you, it may be that the accused is trying to hide the truth. Blaming you distracts from the topic.

Shooting on the defensive

The accused may become defensive and go out of his way to give all kinds of untrue reasons. This is to mask the truth.

Being clearly nervous

When you have someone in front of you who you know quite well, you can recognize possible nervous behavior. The person behaves differently than normal and appears insecure and stuttering.

Is someone lying or not?

Based on the above points, you can get a reasonable idea of whether someone may not be telling the truth. Especially if several of the above points apply to the person you suspect of untruths. Based on the symptoms you observe, you can address the person about the behavior he or she shows. For example: I notice that you become nervous and talk differently now that I confront you with this. Do you find it difficult to tell the truth? Often the person who is not honest has no choice but to admit that he or she was not honest. This way you prevent arguments and anger among each other.