
What is Esperanto?

Esperanto is an international language spoken by two million people. The people who master the language come from 115 different countries. The language was developed by the Pole, Lejzer Zamenhof, born on December 15, 1859. Under the pseudonym Dr. Esperanto he published a book in 1887 entitled The International Language (La internacia lingvo). The language became known as Esperanto.

Esperanto is a language that can be learned alongside another native language. Because a small number of people (worldwide) master the language, an additional language must always be learned in addition to this language. Many languages originate from one other language, but this is not the case with Esperanto. Lijzer Zamenhof has combined various properties of international languages into this language.

Why did he develop Esperanto?

This language was developed to allow people from different countries and cultures to communicate with each other. The advantage of this language is that it is easy to learn due to a simple grammar. If this language were used internationally by more people, there would be fewer language problems and people could understand each other better.

Pronunciation of the letters

The language has 23 consonants and 5 vowels. One feature is that the stress is always on the penultimate syllable. Many letters correspond to the pronunciation we know from different languages.

  • a is pronounced as: a
  • b is pronounced as: b
  • c is pronounced as: ts or tsj
  • d is pronounced as: d
  • e is pronounced as: è
  • f is pronounced as: f
  • g is pronounced as: g (as in English Go(gaan)) or dzj
  • h is pronounced as: h or ch (as in chrome)
  • i is pronounced as: ie
  • j is pronounced as: j or zj
  • k is pronounced as: k
  • l is pronounced as: l
  • m is pronounced as: m
  • n is pronounced as: n
  • o is pronounced as: ò
  • p is pronounced as: p
  • r is pronounced as:r (pronounced rolling)
  • s is pronounced as: s or sj
  • t is pronounced as: t
  • u is pronounced as: oe or w
  • v is pronounced as: between v and w
  • z is pronounced as: z


Grammar of Esperanto

The words are composed of word roots and prefixes and suffixes, and compounds also occur. There are two cases, namely accusative and nominative.

Numbers in Esperanto

In the overview below you will find the spelling of the numbers in Esperanto:

  • 0 = zero
  • 1 = unu
  • 2 = du
  • 3 = tri
  • 4 = kvar
  • 5 = kvin
  • 6 = ses
  • 7 = Sep
  • 8 = ok
  • 9 = naǔ
  • 10 = cover
  • 11 = dekunu
  • 12 = stud
  • 100 = cents
  • 1000 = mil


Translate Esperanto

On the internet you can have words translated from Dutch to Esperanto and vice versa. For example, you can use the website: The title of this article in Esperanto would be: kio estas Esperanto.