Personality development baby toddler kindergarten school child

A child’s personality development is a process that takes place in phases. How does a child develop at a certain age? The phase classification in this article is based on psychoanalytic principles with the phases: oral phase, the anal phase, the genital phase (Oedipus complex) and the latency phase. A step-by-step overview of personality development from 6 weeks to 11 years: the development stage of the baby, toddler and preschooler up to and including the primary school child stage.

Personality development – How does personality development proceed from 0 to 11 years?

Personality Development Profile

Below is an overview of the personality development of children from 1 year to 7 years old. This overview is based on the average age at which children have gone through certain developmental phases. In practice, there are of course individual differences, differences in pace, chronology of development steps, predisposing factors and the potential of the child itself. And last but not least, various environmental factors play an important role in the child’s personality development. Such as how parents deal with a child’s personality or emotions, the parenting style, the family situation, social contacts, etc. More about parenting styles and what type of parents there are can be found in Four Parenting Styles and Characteristics of Parents and Test What Kind Older you are.

Normal Personality Development

The overview below gives a general indication of the average age at which a child has passed through certain developmental phases, in relation to average normal development and in the context of psychoanalytic views. In other words: how does the personality development of a child proceed – according to the psychoanalytic phase classification – in relation to the norm (norm group of peers). For an explanation of psychoanalytic terminology you may encounter in this article, see: Defense Mechanisms – Protection Mechanisms (Freud) .

In Personality Development – Signals Development Problems you can find which signals there are to identify any delays in the development of personality formation, possible development problems or possible developmental disorders in a child, to observe this further and to indicate possible professional guidance.

Development phases Personality – Characteristics Personality formation 0 to 11 years

Age Stage Child

Developmental Stages Personality – Oral Stage – Stage from 0 to 18 months

0 – 18 months: Oral phase, divided into:

0 – 6 weeks

• Autistic phase: no postponement of urge gratification is yet possible. Without immediate gratification, displeasure occurs

1.5 – 9 months

• Symbiotic phase: the immediate gratification of instincts has shifted, releasing energy for hearing and seeing the regular caregiver(s) and manipulating objects in the immediate vicinity


In both of the above phases there is still no distinction between I and the outside world. The child is still completely and exclusively focused on himself

8 – 10 months

• Oral-dependent phase: the separation between the self and the outside world is established. The child begins to distinguish between strange and familiar and is dependent in its relationship to the outside world

10 – 18 months

• Oral-sadistic phase: the child starts biting and experiences that it can achieve something itself


The oral phase is the phase of the establishment of the ‘basic trust’ and the ‘basic security’ (basic security).

Characteristics Oral-dependent Phase


Child is a picky eater


Persistent and indiscriminate oral touching, licking, sucking, tasting


General attitude of impatience and optimistic expectation


General insatiability, demanding of other people and their attention


The child has superficial curiosity

Characteristics Oral – Sadistic Phase


Chews and nibbles on self, others and all kinds of materials


Uses tongue, lips and teeth to produce and distort sounds


Positive development – Trust (hope and self-confidence) versus Negative development – Distrust


Age Stage Child

Developmental Stages Personality Formation – Anal Stage – Stage from 1.5 to 3 years

1.5 – 3 years: Anal Phase, divided into:


Expulsive-anal phase: the child experiences that he can create something himself, which leads to the development of a nascent sense of self. The feelings of pleasure associated with the production of feces (feces, poop) are enhanced by the mother’s attention during toilet training. Feelings of pride arise and pride in body products goes hand in hand with the child’s emerging sense of self


Retentive-anal phase: this phase is characterized by dominating and manipulating the environment. The child discovers himself as the center of action and experiments with this discovery. This exposes it to other people and their wishes. In this stubbornness phase it is decided whether the child will later dare to be independent or whether he will later submit to all the wishes of the environment

1.5 – 3 years: Characteristics Expulsive Anal Phase


Child has strong interest in sand, clay, paint etc.


Child regularly has tantrums

Characteristics Retentive Anal Phase


Withholding stool (holding back poop)


Ambivalence, extreme and panicky alternation of opposing wishes and impulses


Positive development – Independence (willpower) versus Negative development – Dependence (shame and doubt)


Age Stage Child

Developmental phases Personality formation – Pre-Genital Phase – Stage 3 to 5/6 years

3 to 5/6 years

Pre-Genital Phase: Discovery of genitalia and associated with this the I as an acting person. Development from complete egocentricity to the beginning of a sense of reality. Possessiveness towards the parent of the opposite sex, jealousy and rivalry towards the parent of the same sex (is Oedipus complex). The Oedipal conflict produces feelings of guilt and fear of loss of love and is ultimately resolved through the process of identification with the same-sex parent. In boys, castration anxiety can occur due to feelings of guilt regarding erotic fantasies


During the Oedipal phase, the love instinct is directed for the first time toward an object outside the body, namely the parent of the opposite sex

Characteristics of Oedipal Phase


Possessiveness, seductive or shy towards the opposite sex


Beginning feeling of shame, the child desires privacy


Unfounded, persistent and intense fears may arise


Overt sexual curiosity and exploration of self and others


Conscience formation, development of the child’s conscience function


Growing independence, increasing sense of purpose


Positive development – Establishment of the Initiative (goal orientation) versus Negative development – Feelings of guilt and Passivity


Age Stage Child

Developmental Stages Personality Formation – Latency Stage – Stage from 7 to 11 years

7 – 11 years

Latent Phase: The oedipal-oriented libidinal bond from the previous period now makes way for a much flatter and more volatile relationship with many people. Attention is completely focused on the outside world (school and peers)


Creation of pleasure in being busy and a feeling of competence


The satisfaction of needs can now also be postponed

Characteristics of Latent Phase


Fantasies often indicate disillusionment with the parents (e.g. being a foundling).


Transfer of libido from parents to peers, teachers, ideals and
sublimated interests


Child is capable of thorough confrontation with reality


Positive development – Enterprising and Initiative (competence) versus Negative development – Feelings of inferiority


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