The metrosexual man

David Beckham, who doesn’t know him? He is, in all likelihood, the most famous metro man out there. But when are you actually a metro man?


The metro man is not known to everyone, so first a brief definition that McFreries gives and which I have translated: A narcissist who not only loves himself, but also his lifestyle and is very aware of his feminine side.

Origin of the definition ‘metro man’

The term metro man, also known as metrosexual man, became a trend in 2003 when an American program launched the show Totally Gay. This show explored homosexuality in the pop world and made a report on the emerging trend of metrosexuality. The term soon became widely used and people in America were talking about a new kind of man. The term itself has been around for a while, a freelance journalist called Mark Simpson first used it in his article: Here come the mirror men which was published in The Independent on November 15, 1994. The makers of the show Totally Gay have coined the term new revived.

Properties of the metro man

The metro man is very aware of his body and does everything to beautify that body. He is also aware of his feminine side. He is absolutely not ashamed of this, on the contrary, he goes shopping extensively, cares a lot about fashion and perfumes and sometimes even uses make-up to enhance his face. However, you should not confuse the metro man with the homosexual man, the metro man is basically attracted to women and does not behave in a feminine way.

Famous subway men

As I mentioned in the introduction, David Beckham is probably the most famous metro man there is. He is not the only famous metro man, other metro men include Brad Pitt and Dominic Monaghan.

Away with the metro man?

Not everyone was happy with the rise of the metro man. At first it seems ideal, a super well-groomed man, right, ladies? But how much fun is it if he shops longer than you, spends longer in the mirror and even uses your day cream? Not very ideal according to some people. There is a lot of blogging going on on the internet about the metro man.

In the meantime, the Metroman hype has calmed down a bit, it is even starting to go out of fashion again. Nowadays we want real men again!