Family expansion, costs of a baby’s first year

Many people (sooner or later) want to have children. This is often an emotional decision in which no consideration is given to whether the financial situation takes into account a possible expansion of the family. Many parents want a general overview of the possible costs of having a baby. Although this of course depends on many factors, there are guidelines. This article provides information about the initial costs of having a baby (costs of the first year of life)

Indication of the costs of a baby

The arrival of a baby often results in less purchasing power, because there are extra expenses and often less income because one or both parents work less.

When it comes to costs associated with the arrival of a baby, a difference can be made between living costs and the costs of supporting materials, such as furnishing a nursery. For the last cost item, it makes a big difference whether it is the first child or not. This article assumes the arrival of the first child within a family.

  • Food and drink: 1 to 1.5 per day depending on whether breastfeeding is taking place and for how long.
  • Feeding aids: this includes 2 bottles, 2 teats and a bottle warmer. This costs about €36, but it is recommended to replace bottles regularly, so the costs will increase slightly.
  • Clothes: basic wardrobe of 6 rompers, 6 sweaters, 4 terry bottoms, jacket, bath cape, 2 pairs of socks and slippers = 125. Chances are you will buy more, but then you can estimate the costs with this basic wardrobe.
  • Diapers: depending on the choice of the type of diaper, but 700 should certainly be considered.
  • Care: this costs €112, of which the following items, among others, can be purchased; bath, washcloths, safety pins, comb, hot water bottle, diaper pail, ointment, soap and thermometer).
  • In addition, a children’s room must of course be furnished (€ 350), there is a playpen (€ 140), bugy (from € 80, but can go up to a few hundred euros), high chair (€ 120) and car seat ( 140,-) required. Finally, you naturally want fun (educational) toys for your baby, the costs of which vary enormously. Of course you can make it as crazy as you want. Some small toys, a baby swing, play mat and bouncer cost around €240.

On average, 18% of the net income is spent on the baby. Of course, when choosing products, you can decide for yourself whether you want to spend more or less on the baby. You will quickly lose 1500 to 2000 in the first year.

Costs during pregnancy

Additional costs are also often incurred during pregnancy. This varies from something tasty when you tell family and friends that you are pregnant to the extra food and the necessary maternity clothes (called maternity clothes).

Costs of childbirth

The costs of a home birth are included in the health insurer’s basic package. The costs of an outpatient delivery in the hospital will only be reimbursed if there is a medical indication for this. If a hospital birth is chosen without medical indication, only the normal obstetric costs will be reimbursed if you do not have additional insurance. The health insurance often also provides a maternity package containing some necessary care items.

Save costs

To start with, you can save a lot of money by buying second-hand baby room furnishings. Perhaps there is someone in the area who has just come out of babyhood and otherwise the internet can offer a solution. There are many people who try to sell their children’s room furnishings via the internet. When the baby arrives, many people come for maternity visits, each often bringing something with them. Clothes in particular are often given as gifts. Therefore, do not spend too much money on clothes in the beginning and first wait to see what you get and what may be needed. The costs can of course also be spread out. A playpen and car seat are not necessary in the first few months.

The total expenses of a child from cradle to job are estimated at Rs 100,000.