Mindfulness, not just standing still

Do you also want to get rid of that stress? Are you tired of worrying? Or do you sometimes lack creativity? Then Mindfulness is the solution to your problem!


Mindfulness is an attention training that allows us to deal more consciously with and reflect on the here and now. It is a scientifically based method that has its origins in Buddhism and also in meditation techniques. Mindfulness may be based on meditation techniques, but in practice it does not involve meditation.

This method helps us, people from a stressful society, in various areas. A lot of change in our person, both socially and psychologically. We learn to deal with problems and stress in a different, richer way. Moreover, we learn to work in a more creative way and our relationships improve. The latter is achieved because our EQ (emotional intelligence) increases when we are more aware of the situation. This allows us to acquire more empathy and therefore deal more consciously with ourselves and others.

Everyone has stress, but nowadays we all have a daily dose of stress

We need to point out the difference between being sad, being angry and being stressed.

  • Being stressed means that you see stressful thoughts.
  • To be sad is to observe a sad mood.
  • To be angry is to feel anger rising in your body.


Standing still is necessary in our lives in order to continue

Our life is like a battery. With a negative and positive pole. These are the negative and positive experiences in our lives.
Moreover, a battery runs completely empty if we do not charge it in time. It is the same with humans. If we do not recharge ourselves in time by creating a bit of BEING mode in this DO mode, we suddenly have no energy left. We are flat. This is often called a BURNOUT. You feel deflated, burned out.

If we cannot say HALT to the DO world in time, our own BEING world will be destroyed. Most of them perish in their DO mode. They live by the motto ,I run, therefore I am,. However, this motto promotes stress, because it gives us the feeling that we will never get where we need to be. Frustration therefore takes over. We must try to evolve from a DO mode to a BEING mode, paying attention to the here and now.

Mindfulness puts a stop to the wheel of the DO mode

But we shouldn’t let it get to that point. The Mindfulness training helps us to reflect on life in time. We must learn to set boundaries for our lives. Our body needs rest, also internally. Many people drop their fun activities in this DO mode due to lack of time. But this way only the negative pole comes into play. As a result, it takes the place of the + pole and we promote burnout.

No autopilot

We cannot allow our lives to be controlled by an autopilot. Because only 1-2% are aware of this. This autopilot causes an immediate reaction to occur after an action. This is how we end up in a vicious circle, causing us to get into the everyday rut. Man is by nature a person of habit, but this does not always offer the best opportunities for us. Mindfulness allows us to become aware of the situation and only names it as it occurs. This excludes benefits and expectations, where we will experience the situation more consciously and therefore more truthfully.

Allow all emotions

Through these training courses we make contact with the present. With our body, thoughts and emotions. We notice, but do not judge. When practicing Mindfulness we undergo 3 phases:

  • First we stop at the problem: our attention goes to our body or breath
  • Secondly, we will look at the problem: How am I doing now?
  • Third, we are going to respond to this problem: In a conscious way, as a free choice.

In this way we will prevent mood disorders; we notice negative thoughts and are awakened by warning signals emanating from this way of thinking.

Some life mottos that you live by to live a Mindful life

What you cannot changeAnd tackleWhat you can change”

“The only thing that never changesIs that everything changes…”

“Courage is not the absence of fearBut it means feeling fear and acting anyway”

Only do what you are doingLeave other matters omitted


  • Say stop in time to the Do mode
  • Exercise helps you relax
  • Don’t drop the things you like to do, they charge your battery
  • Try to turn this DO world into a BEING world for yourself and others