Stop a crush

A hopeless crush. A love without a future. An impossible love. An unrequited crush. A forbidden love. If you are in love and for whatever reason that love is not mutual, it drains your energy! You feel wonderfully in love and deeply unhappy at the same time. What to do to get out of this unsatisfactory situation? How can you stop a crush?


Try with all your might to face reality. The truth hurts, but is also very enlightening. There is no future in a love that is unrequited, that is impossible, or hopeless or perhaps even forbidden. Give yourself credit, you’ve hurt yourself enough. It’s time to move on with your own life.

Feeling and reason

During the period of falling in love, your feelings dominate. Realize that if you really want to stop falling in love, because it was really an unrealistic crush, you have to switch from feeling to your mind. The very first step in the right direction is just realizing that you have to make a distinction between your feelings and your mind.

Cut off all contact

It’s not always possible, but if you can, cut off all contact with the person you’re in love with! It’s clear that the person you’re in love with isn’t in love with you and never will be. The love is not mutual and never will be. Break contact! Out of sight out of mind. Although it will take some time before you actually forget the person you are in love with.

say goodbye

Say goodbye to the wonderful feeling that falling in love gives you. Take your time.
Also give yourself that time to say goodbye. Maybe it is good for you to see the person you are in love with one more time, so that you can say goodbye to him/her and the crush in your mind. After saying goodbye, tell yourself that you have finally said goodbye, that from now on it is a waste of time to continue daydreaming and that it is high time that you start focusing on your own future.

Farewell letter

Another way to say goodbye is to write your loved one a letter. This way you can communicate all the feelings and thoughts that you never expressed. Write down everything you want to say to this person. When the letter is finished, throw it away or burn it.

Banished from your thoughts

Try with all your might to banish the person you are in love with from your thoughts. Make an agreement with yourself that if you catch yourself thinking about the person you are in love with, you will immediately change your mind. A thought that revolves around you and no one else. About your future. About a recently booked holiday. About the new course you just started.

Find distraction

Try to be alone as little as possible. As soon as you are alone, your thoughts automatically go to the person you are in love with. Find distraction! Go out with your friends. Seek out your friends as much as possible. Have a drink. Make a fantastic dinner for your family. Find a new hobby. Go on a course. Go exercise. Anything but just hanging on the couch at home and thinking longingly about the person you are in love with!

Emotional support

One will have a great need for it, the other to a much lesser extent. The fact is that talking about your crush, about your hopeless crush, is extremely enlightening! It’s a great relief that you can get it out of your system just by talking about it! Do you have a good boyfriend or girlfriend? Sister or brother? Someone you can really confide in? Someone who can give good and wise feedback and give you real emotional support? Writing it down, in a diary or simply on a piece of paper, can also be a great relief!


You are worth entering into a full-fledged relationship. You are worth experiencing mutual love. You are worth finding the one in the end! You are worthy of having a full-fledged love relationship. You are worthy of a happy future. Never settle for less, only the best is good enough for you!

To everyone who is in this difficult position: we wish you lots of strength and power!