Gratitude, a blessing for our health!

The days pass by mindlessly. For our health and general condition, it is very important to live more consciously and be grateful. It reduces stress and helps anyone with sleeping problems. People who are grateful have a lot of fun and joy in their lives, they are satisfied and cheerful! Realizing that we are so incredibly well off is already a big step in the right direction. An overview:


Gratitude has a hugely positive effect on our lives, more than we will ever realize. However, we must become aware of the positive effects that bankability gives us.

Setbacks in life

It is precisely the setbacks and suffering in life that prevent us from being grateful. Stress, great sadness, relationship problems, financial problems, illness (and etc.) consume our attention. The difficulties that everyday life brings us make us focus and focus on the setbacks.

Joy and contentment

Gratitude makes us satisfied, we appreciate life so much more! Satisfied people have much more joy in their lives, which is very beneficial to their overall health.

What does gratitude do for us?

As soon as we show gratitude, are more satisfied and therefore experience more joy in our lives, the endocrine oils are stimulated and our blood circulation is stimulated. This benefits the metabolism and our health is better than ever. There is no greater stress reduction than showing and being bankable!

What can we be grateful for?

It is precisely those things that we always take for granted that they are there, that we should be grateful for. Considerations include:

  • Fresh air
  • That the sun rises again every morning
  • The warm rays of the sun
  • Our warm and cozy bed
  • The cozy stove
  • Our food
  • Everything we own


We are really doing very well!

How many people could kill (so to speak!) for just a fraction of our possessions? In their eyes we really have it so good!

An example to be grateful

During my trip to Nigeria in 1989, I visited a local market in the capital Lagos. The ground consisted of a big red, dirty sludge. The heat was sweltering. Flies were numerous and very annoying. Sewers were open and smelled terribly. People were numerous and very noisy. Mutilated children crowded around you (mutilated by their parents, by the way: at least the children raised money by sending them out to beg!), all begging for your attention and hoping to get pens and tissues. They did not have refrigerators running on electricity on the market, the flies were meters thick on the slaughtered meat. There was a woman, covered and protective under a large dark purple cloth, sitting on the edge of the sewer, near the market. Hardly any teeth left in her mouth. With a helpless newborn baby in her arm who was crying heartbreakingly. The mother had no money to make. No house. No shelter. No family. You are then sitting in the terrible heat, in a terrible stench, surrounded by many irritating flies, with a baby in your arm that is screaming its lungs out because it is hungry and thirsty. The expression in this woman’s eyes gives you goosebumps! That defeated expression. Intensely sad. And she couldn’t have been much older than I was at the time, when I was 18 years old.

When I compare my own life with this Nigerian woman, I have so many reasons to be grateful!

Sleep problems

Anyone who, to a greater or lesser extent, experiences any form of sleeping problems should name 5 things that he or she is grateful for before going to sleep. A great feeling of peace and contentment comes over you. A wonderful silence! A refreshing sleep is the result! my view on