Jesus Christ, God and at the same time above all man

Jesus Christ was perhaps the most peaceful person to ever walk this earth. He knew, and still knows, to captivate people and show them the way to peace. Even when it concerns inner peace. Whether he is considered Jesus the Messiah or Jesus the prophet, more than half of the world’s population has heard about him. And that alone deserves pure respect.

Jesus Christ, God and at the same time above all man.

If there is one person who has occupied a very important place in world history, it is Jesus of Nazareth or also called Jesus Christ. Jesus, his name stands for everything that is good. Now, more than twenty centuries after his death, there are millions of Christian followers around the world who try to live every day as Jesus Christ did. His absolute path to the kingdom of God .

The birth of Jesus.

On December 10, 2008, remarkable scientific news was released to the world. Australian astronomer David Reneke had used a powerful computer program to simulate the starry sky as it must have looked like over Jerusalem more than 2,000 years ago. It turned out that a conjunction had occurred between the two planets Jupiter and Venus. These two planets were so close together at the time that they provided a bright beam of light for a short period of time. This beam of light must have appeared quite suddenly.

Venus and Jupiter came very close to each other in the year 2 BC. They must have caused a bright and sudden light. This glow may well explain the legendary ‘Christmas star’. So these data support the Christmas story! Reneke even calculated an exact date for this light phenomenon: June 17 in the year 2 BC. If these data are correct and if the three wise men from the East followed this light to Bethlehem, it is very possible that our current era is not entirely correct.


The Remarkable Life of Jesus Christ.

A remarkable amount has been written about Jesus Christ. What is also very striking is that many old apocryphal writings about him have appeared, especially in the last century. And whether one is a believer or not, one thing is certain:

Jesus Christ really existed!

He must have been a very special man. Hordes of listeners always flocked when they heard he was coming to speak in public. Apocryphal writings (these are old texts that deal, among other things, with the person of Jesus, but which have not been published in the Bible by the Roman Catholic Church) tell about the life of Jesus, including that he was married off by his parents when he was eighteen.

The Gospel of the Holy Twelve states the following:
At the age of eighteen, Jesus of Nazareth was betrothed to Miriam. She was a virgin from the tribe of Judah. Jesus lived with Miriam for seven years. Then she died.

Let’s also look at some texts in the New Testament of the Bible. He started preaching around the age of thirty. For example, in Matthew 5 we read about his Sermon on the Mount. It is striking how clearly Jesus knows how to teach his listeners the Divine doctrine through comparisons. His explanations are understandable to a wide audience. Jesus is actually clearly trying to make the local population, where Jesus is speaking at that moment, better people. He does this by teaching them a new kind of values and norms that can receive the approval of God the Almighty Father.

And then there is Jesus the miracle worker . Jesus who heals the sick, Jesus who brings the dead to life, Jesus who casts out demons, Jesus who can grant Divine forgiveness and Jesus who himself rises from the dead, etc. Jesus must have had an incredible attraction to the people around him . After all, two of his apostles were initially hard-working fishermen who left family, home and hearth to follow Jesus. Together with others, they belonged to the intimate circle around Jesus Christ. This intimate circle of people were called his disciples.

What was Jesus like in appearance?

Today, too, we can look back in time with this question through apocryphal texts and pure assumptions. Jesus was a man of Jewish descent. So for starters, his hair would most likely have been black. The New Testament never describes what he looked like. The Gospel of Luke 2 only states that Jesus grew up to be a strong young man and was gifted with wisdom. Second-century Syrian frescoes depict Jewish men from the time of Jesus with short beards and coarse hair. It is also striking that in one of Paul’s letters it is said that it is a shame for men to have long hair. Paul would never have written that if Jesus Christ had had long hair.

If the Shroud of Turin had ever actually covered the dead body of Jesus Christ, we could now come to the remarkable conclusion that Jesus was quite tall, especially for a man from the beginning of our era. Namely around 1.87 meters! The shroud is kept in the Cathedral of John the Baptist in Turin.

A special relic of Jesus Christ is also kept in the Spanish city of Oviede. Namely the Oviede sweat cloth. The story goes that this cloth was used to cover Jesus’ head after he died on the cross. There is no print of a face on this canvas, but there are blood stains and bodily fluids. Moreover, it has been established that this cloth indeed dates from the first century AD and researchers have actually been able to determine that the fabric of this cloth must have been made in the Jerusalem area.

About the probable clothing of Jesus (pronounced Yeshua in his native language, Aramaic), it can be said that Jesus dressed as a simple and modest man. Generally, men just wore simple sandals.

A lot has been written about Jesus as a human being and about Jesus as God. The many sources about his life seem to expand almost daily. Jesus is a huge source of inspiration for writers, artists, believers and many other people. His presence here on earth has had a major impact on our humanity for over 20 centuries.
Let us sincerely hope that thanks to him we will all form a great unity with mutual respect for everyone regardless of age, color, background, religion or not and opinion.