
Men are much more beautiful than women, objectively speaking

There is no arguing about taste, but everyone will admit that in animals the males are usually more beautiful than the females. We have only to take the example of the duck or pheasant as ,proof,. We often think that women are more beautiful. But how objectively can we judge ourselves? Because although a woman’s breasts are a jewel in our eyes, these mammary glands in other mammals, according to our standards, actually make the mother animal less beautiful.

Beautiful and attractive

When we look at the animal kingdom from our helicopter view, we see that the males are almost always more beautiful than the females, which only have to make do with a dull camouflage color in order to stand out as little as possible to enemies, etc. But if you look at a beautifully colored drake (drake) could ask what he thinks of such an inconspicuous female duck, the answer would probably also be that the female duck is the most beautiful and attractive creature he has ever seen.

Our feminine beauty

So you may wonder whether, viewed neutrally, it is not the same in humans. Because if there were a higher animal species than humans that could look at us, it would probably also find that the female human, like the female peacock, is a lot less beautiful than the male animal. If you try to be honest and level-headed as a human being, and ignore your testosterone hormones, that’s actually true. After all, we men are nice and tall and beautifully muscular, and have a nice facial decoration in the form of a beard.

The ,decorations, on the female body

The female of Homo sapiens has a number of desirable forms for the male specimen, which are provided not primarily to seduce men, but because they are essential for reproduction. Then the straight man’s brain is programmed in such a way that those essential female reproductive parts are irresistible to him:

  • Female breasts are intended solely for feeding infants. And because they are there anyway, ,nature, has also made them an important link in the game of love.
  • The soft curves of a woman’s body turn many men on. But those curves are formed by a relatively high percentage of fat that is primarily there to provide the unborn child with food. (In women with an extremely low fat percentage, for example due to anorexia, the monthly cycle therefore stops).
  • The fact that the buttocks are pointed backwards is because a woman’s torso and pelvis are slightly tilted (at an angle) together, which is mainly necessary so that the embryo can lie relaxed in the abdomen and grow, so that it does not slide down. Which would be the case if the trunk and pelvis, as in men, are perpendicular to each other.
  • Wide hips make childbirth easier.
  • The vagina also has several functions.

In short, the hourglass shape and other attractive aspects of a woman are primarily essential for reproduction, and nature has ,subsequently, given this a double function in men.

Why are men more beautiful

The phenomenon that in nature females are objectively less attractive than males is described as sexual dimorphism. We are all familiar with the often dull females contrasting with the strikingly colored and decorated males. If you have ever had a tropical aquarium, the guppy is proof of that. But of course we also see the many bird species, especially the peacock, as striking examples. As we know, the fact that the females of many animals have fewer decorations and are more inconspicuous in color and appearance has everything to do with reproduction and safety. In many species, it is mainly the female who takes care of the offspring. Often first about the eggs and then about the young, vulnerable chicks. In such a risky position, it is safe for the female to be provided with a camouflage camouflage color so that enemy animals are not so quick to spot the mother. So that there is a greater chance that the young will be raised unharmed into adults and can then fledge safely.

Males, on the other hand, benefit from being as striking and attractive as possible in order to pass on their genes. Females instinctively know that these striking males are suppliers of high-quality sperm. Because to dare to beat your chest and show your muscles means that you are strong and able to withstand dangers and enemies. The expectant mother naturally also grants such protective properties to her offspring. Beautiful, striking and showy males are therefore liked to be selected by the females.

The larger animal species

When it comes to the larger species such as elephants, deer, buffalo, etc., having large strong tusks or antlers means possessing a weapon to defend yourself against the surrounding enemies and dangers. Every female likes to feel safe with such a strong fearless male who is also fearless of competition.

Females are often larger

In all birds of prey, the females are larger, which has to do with the fact that, unlike the male, they have to produce and lay (many) eggs. This phenomenon also occurs for the same reason in various species of fish, grasshoppers and insects.

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