Filipina Pada Bulan Juli Untuk Perjalanan Berkesan & Ramah Saku

Changes and problems during implementation in operation

Change is a process that is not easy for everyone to carry out. The old familiar provides certainty which is often a basis for continuing in the same…

Rencana Perjalanan Singapura 4 Hari: Perjalanan Keluarga Kami Ke Kota Ini Sangat Ajaib

My toddler stays awake! Help with staying asleep

A toddler can still wake up at night because he does not yet have a good day and night rhythm and because he is hungry, for example. This…

Perjalanan Bisnis Kami Ke Dubai Membantu Kami Menghidupkan ‘Halaman yang Terlewatkan’ Dari Kota & Keindahan Bersejarahnya

Stop dirty, inappropriate, annoying and other antisocial behavior

We live in a crowded country where we should take others into account and show tolerance. Most of us also have good intentions, but social behavior is often…

12 Festival Kroasia yang Berdengung Untuk Mengalami Budaya Negara Di Tahun 2023

Why art and not kitsch?

You hear it so often: ,art is beautiful and kitsch is ordinary,, where the so-called art experts determine what is art and what is not. Yet there are…

Rayakan Natal 2023 Di Belanda Dan Ketahui Tentang Tradisi Belanda Yang Menarik

Implicit and explicit discrimination

Discrimination is as old as humanity. People think positively about the group they belong to (ingroups). People think more abstractly about groups they do not belong to (outgroups):…

10 Resor Pantai Selandia Baru: Semua Tentang Berjemur & Olahraga Air

Philosophers on education: Maria Montessori

She is not a scientific pedagogue, in the current sense of the word, but she believes in that part of the practical science of anthropology called pedagogy. And…

Mereka Jatuh Cinta, Menikah Tapi Pekerjaan Pisahkan Mereka: Baca Bagaimana Perjalanan Menyatukan Mereka Lagi

Philosophers on Education: John Locke

Locke’s place in the history of education is not only determined by the writing through which he became known in the world of educators, and not only by…

Berbelanja Di Hong Kong: 5 Tempat Menarik yang Harus Anda Kunjungi

Oldest of the oldest – oldest tree, oldest animal

What is the oldest city in the world? How old can a person actually get? What is the oldest animal and what is the oldest tree? These are…

Discovery Bay Di Hong Kong: Pusat Hiburan dan Rekreasi Di Hong Kong

Tanchelijn, heretic of the Low Countries

Tanchelijn, or Tanchelm, was a heretic who strongly opposed the Roman Catholic Church in the 12th century. He operated in the Netherlands, Bruges, Leuven and Antwerp, where he…

Kasino Di Selandia Baru: 5 Tempat Terbaik Untuk Tamasya Menarik Di Tanah Indah Ini

Young people and volunteer work through SIW

Volunteer work has four characteristics: voluntary basis, no financial compensation, organized context and social purpose. Volunteer work is taking on an increasingly important role in society. It is…