
Are you a decision maker?

While some people may take a long time to make a decision, others may have to make a decision in no time, and other people let it depend on the subject or how they feel at that moment. There is no right or wrong in this, but sometimes a certain setup can help you. After all, we know the eternal doubter as an example. The question of whether anything can be done then arises.

Does making a quick decision always make you happier?

Quick decision maker

It cannot be affirmed that making quick decisions necessarily makes you happier. It is often within the human being, he or she sees something, switches quickly and then makes the decision. It’s his or her way of doing things. Postponing the decision rarely, if ever, provides a different insight.


On the other hand, there is the eternal doubter and that can lead to hassle. After all, the eternal doubter actually postpones decisions all the time and either needs external help to reach a decision or it takes a very long time and eventually someone makes an arbitrary decision. After all, he/she doesn’t know. Or in more extreme cases, someone does not do something precisely because the decision is not made and then he or she can simply limit themselves.

The “inbetween”

The man or woman who belongs to this group often depends on the mood as to how decisions are made. If the person in question is in a mellow mood and has doubts, he can still give it another option. At other times this man or woman is very strict.

Or you look at it per subject and that is often about the certainty you are looking for. For example, if you know enough about it, you can make that decision, but is that always the case?

Right or wrong

What is right and what is wrong? You cannot actually talk about right or wrong, because for everyone, what suits the man or woman is what is good. On the other hand, the eternal doubter sometimes does not take the next step or, even after the decision has been made, continues to doubt and that takes something!


The man or woman who continues to doubt, even after a decision has been made, may continue to wonder whether he/she has made the right decision and that takes energy. If something keeps nagging in your head and pops up every now and then, it by definition costs energy. It may not be immediately noticeable, but if it’s on your mind, you can’t avoid it. It’s about energy and often also some time.

What can you do about it?

It is largely ingrained in humans, so whether you can just get it out is the question. However, you can still work with some discipline to shape your decisions just a little more.
There are some things you need to consider, namely:

  • As a quick decision-maker, you can force yourself not to express your decision immediately. Take some distance and try to look at your decision again (in your head) with an open mind at a later time. That “open mind” is the difficult aspect of the exercise.
  • The doubter can try to briefly summarize the pros and cons. Based on more pros than cons (or vice versa), you can indicate what your decision will be.
  • If you let it depend on your mood, someone usually gets to work intuitively. But if you have some extremes in your character image, that can be difficult. Don’t make decisions when you’re close to the limit. After all, you’re never in a certain mood for very long.
  • If it depends on the subject, it may play a role in whether you think you know enough about it. But in many cases it is not about that at all. Get to the heart of the question and then make your decision.

For all methods of approach, you must take the time and apply it regularly. It’s out of your comfort zone and that means you have to make it your own and slowly become second nature. That can never be done quickly, it simply takes time.


Some people suffer from being an eternal doubter and others do not, some people find knowing quickly what they want not always useful and all the forms in between can cause other problems. If you’re not happy with it, take action. Give it a serious shot to make that change.