
Preparing for your birth at home or in the hospital

Some women dread childbirth very much. They are afraid that it will take a long time and that it will be very painful. Especially with your first child, you don’t know what to expect. Pregnant women are also often frightened by those around them with all kinds of horror stories. You only hear the extreme birth stories, while plenty of births go without any problems. Fortunately, there are several ways to prepare for childbirth. You can never be sure whether your birth will go well, but you can ensure that you approach your birth with a calm mind.

Giving birth in the hospital or at home?

If there is a medical necessity, you are obliged to give birth in the hospital, but most women can choose for themselves whether they give birth in the hospital or at home. The midwife often steers towards a home birth. But of course you have to decide for yourself what you feel best about. It is important to think about this in time. This gives you some peace of mind and you can better prepare for the birth. Whether you want to give birth in the hospital or at home, both have their pros and cons. You can choose the hospital because a team of doctors is ready there and immediate action is taken if something goes wrong. Both you and your child are also closely monitored. But there is also something to be said for a home birth. You can manage the contractions at home and you are in your own place. The birth is done by your own midwife and after the birth you simply lie comfortably in your own bed.

The preparation

Good preparation is half the job. When you have peace of mind, you will also be more relaxed during your birth. There are many preparations you can make in advance. For example, think of the baby’s room and the necessary items. For example, make sure you always have a bag ready in case you want or have to give birth in the hospital. It is also smart to arrange a babysitter in advance if you already have children. For a relaxed birth, it is good to know that you are really ready for it. Good preparation for childbirth can also mean that you know exactly how childbirth works. What should you pay attention to when you break your waters? And when is it time to start tracking your contractions?

Pregnancy gym

Many pregnant women take a pregnancy course, such as pregnancy gymnastics and pregnancy yoga. During these courses you will receive an explanation about childbirth and how to best deal with the pain and contractions. For example, you learn ways and postures to reduce pain. With the right breathing techniques you can puff through a contraction more easily. Furthermore, a pregnancy course is simply fun. You meet other pregnant women and can exchange experiences together.

Every birth is different!

You can never estimate in advance what your birth will look like. It may help to remember that women have been having children for thousands of years, so you can probably do it too. You will go into labor with a better feeling if you feel that you are completely ready. For example, make sure you have all your belongings in order. It is also important to give birth in a place where you feel most comfortable. Most women want to keep their birth simple, but other women make a complete birth plan. They plan their birth all the way down to the music they want to hear. Furthermore, it can be a good preparation for your delivery to take a pregnancy course. There you will receive tips and exercises on how to deal with the pain and how to best relax during childbirth. Childbirth is hard work, but you get something beautiful in return!

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