
Does color add something to life?

Some people like sober or even gloomy colors and other people just want color around them. What matters is that you feel happy about something. Yet we are inundated with comments and if you don’t use color. Not even an accent color, because then you’re doing something wrong. Possibly it is a form of mirroring or is there some form of truth in it? It’s not about color or not, but what makes you feel good in life. We are talking about clothing, living, business or whatever you live in and with. Yet we are regularly reminded of the fact that we especially need to add color.

What is it all about?

There are several ways to incorporate color (if you want to), such as:


You often see color accents when people are not really into the many colors, but want something added. This way, in addition to a number of neutral shades, you get a color that appears in different ways. The chosen color can appear in all kinds of ways, but usually it concerns small pinpricks and sometimes one eye-catcher.

A colorful palette

A colorful palette can also be your ultimate dream. Multiple hard, bright and/or deep colors combined. You run the risk that if you do not combine it carefully, it will become a garish whole and you will not achieve the intended effect. Going for a lot doesn’t mean you shouldn’t approach it carefully. Make sure you keep the different colors together and see what the effect is.

Tone on tone

We are seeing more and more tone-on-tone. Because tone-on-tone can be very striking in color, if you want, but at the same time it can radiate a lot of tranquility. You use the inserted color in different ways, which means you can work with various materials and color nuances. So just one color can do a lot.

Color without color

You can still have a busy palette without adding any real color to it. You can achieve this by applying the neutral colors in different ways. This involves nuances and different materials. If you combine neutral tones correctly, it is the same as adding a real color. The different materials in particular make the difference.

Color to suit your mood

What colors do

Many people have a mood with color, although it does not always consciously work that way. Red is fiery and if you are in a rebellious mood, red can do the trick. If you are looking for peace, tranquility and confidence, combine orange with blue (it is not without reason that these are popular colors among banks) and if you feel very serene, white works extremely well. It is not without reason that photos of meditating people are colored in white.

Blue is also a color for cleanliness and coolness and it is not without reason that the color blue is often found in bedrooms. Yellow, on the other hand, has something shouting about it and is sometimes associated with the wrong things. This, while yellow is also light, joy and youth. Combine it with bright green and you almost naturally fall into spring.

You can also create coconuts or a homely feeling with (red) brown and beige tones. Gloomy for some people, but certainly not bad with nice warm creamy white. Finally, purple and lilac tones represent spirituality. Which in itself is possible, but a fresh color takes the heavy weight off it.

Work carefully

It doesn’t hurt to turn inward every now and then and see how your mood is. You can then apply this to your own clothing, but also how you want to fill a space, how you want to do something with accessories, etc. It also helps you gain insight into your feelings.


The question of whether color adds something to life is a very personal matter. For some it will certainly offer that little bit extra, but that is not necessary at all. A lover of black, for example, is not necessarily gloomy or negative. Applying color or no color is determined individually and therefore preferably according to what you feel comfortable with.