
Pain radiating to the back: Back pain due to a condition

Back pain is a very annoying symptom that is often due to a problem with the back structures themselves. However, sometimes back pain comes from a completely different part of the body. In other words, this radiating pain is palpable in an area that is some distance from the cause. This common condition is often the result of problems in the abdominal and chest organs, such as an ectopic pregnancy, gallstones, pancreatitis, kidney stones or an abdominal artery aneurysm. Prostate problems are also linked to pain that radiates to the back. In addition to the painful back, other symptoms are often present. The treatment and prognosis depend on the cause and severity. Sometimes the complaints disappear on their own, while others experience life-threatening signs and require intensive treatment in the hospital.

  • Abdominal artery aneurysm and back pain
  • Ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy)
  • Gallstones and pain that radiated to the back
  • Kidney stones and radiating pain in the back
  • Pancreatitis (pancreatitis)
  • Prostate problems and pain radiating to the back
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement of the prostate)
  • Prostate cancer
  • Prostatitis


Abdominal artery aneurysm and back pain

Causes An abdominal artery aneurysm is a rare condition in which the aorta (the largest artery in the body) enlarges. The aorta branches from the heart and travels centrally downwards where it branches into arteries that run throughout the body. When an abdominal artery aneurysm is left intact, it rarely causes problems. Larger aneurysms can burst, leading to bleeding in the abdomen.Symptoms A ruptured aneurysm causes sudden severe abdominal pain. The pain may radiate to the back (back pain), the groin (groin pain) and buttocks (buttock pain) and sometimes also to the leg (leg pain). Other symptoms include dizziness, clammy skin, jerking, rapid heartbeat, fainting, nausea and vomiting.Treatment This is a medical emergency that, if left untreated, will lead to death. Surgery is often necessary as a life-saving measure.

Ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy)

Causes An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the embryo implants somewhere outside the uterus or attaches to an abnormal or scarred part of the uterus. This usually takes place in the fallopian tube.Symptoms Pain (abdomen, pelvic area, lower back, shoulder), vaginal bleeding, absent menstruation or vague complaints such as fainting, dizziness, nausea and vomiting are manifested.Medication ends an ectopic pregnancy / Source: Stevepb, PixabayTreatment An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy complication that, if left untreated, leads to a high degree of morbidity and mortality. The doctor terminates the pregnancy with medication or surgery as an ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening.

Gallstones and pain that radiated to the back

Causes The gallbladder is an elongated organ attached to the underside of the liver. It is the storehouse for bile, a fat-digesting fluid made by the liver. When substances in bile combine, crystals can form . These crystals can remain in the gallbladder and become gallstones over time. Sometimes a gallstone gets stuck in the duct where bile travels on its way to the small intestine. This bile duct obstruction (blockage of the bile ducts) causes inflammation in the gallbladder (cholecystitis), the bile ducts (cholangitis) or possibly even the liver (hepatitis) or the pancreas (pancreatitis). The exact cause of the formation of gallstones is unknown in October 2020, but most stones do contain cholesterol. Diet may therefore play a role in the formation of gallstones, especially when patients regularly consume animal fats.Symptoms Gallstones usually do not cause any complaints. When symptoms do develop, the patient may experience severe upper abdominal pain on the right side that begins suddenly and lasts for at least half an hour. Furthermore, patients may suffer from pain under the right shoulder blade as well as back pain. Furthermore, abdominal pain is sometimes present after eating a meal with a high fat or protein content.Treatment Gallstones that do not cause symptoms (silent gallstones) do not require treatment. Patients with symptoms require surgery.

Kidney stones and radiating pain in the back

Kidney stones are hard lumps that form in the organ. Small stones often pass unnoticed through the urinary tract. With a larger kidney stone, the patient may experience the following possible signs: blood in the urine (hematuria), sharp lower back pain, pain during urination, severe abdominal pain, flank pain or groin pain. The pain is short or long lasting. Some patients also suffer from nausea and/or vomiting. Dehydration increases the risk of kidney stone formation because it results in concentrated urine. Various treatments are possible for kidney stones, such as medical procedures and sometimes surgery.

Pancreatitis (pancreatitis)

Chronic pancreatitis is usually due to chronic alcohol abuse / Source: Jarmoluk, PixabayCauses Pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, is acute or chronic in nature. This happens when the digestive enzymes are activated before being released into the small intestine and then begin to attack the pancreas . Acute inflammation of the pancreas is usually due to gallstones, although certain medications, infections and other conditions can also cause this condition. Chronic pancreatitis is usually the result of chronic alcohol abuse, but cystic fibrosis, gallstones and other diseases are also sometimes the cause of the chronic form of pancreatitis. Symptoms Common symptomsinclude :

  • abdominal pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to the back; the pain worsens by eating, especially high-fat foods
  • a swollen and tender abdomen
  • an increased heart rate
  • fever
  • nausea and vomiting

Treatment Patients with acute pancreatitis receive intravenous fluid administration and pain medication in the hospital. Furthermore, close monitoring of vital functions is necessary as pancreatitis may cause damage to the heart, lungs or kidneys. Occasionally surgery is necessary. The treatment of chronic pancreatitis is sometimes difficult as patients are prescribed painkillers. Pancreatic enzymes and insulin are also required. A low-fat diet is also helpful. Occasionally surgery is necessary. Finally, patients should stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages and follow the doctor’s dietary guidelines.

Prostate problems and pain radiating to the back

Back pain is often a clear sign of a serious prostate problem such as benign prostate enlargement, prostate cancer and prostatitis.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement of the prostate)

Causes The prostate gland goes through two major growth cycles during a man’s life. The first occurs early in puberty, when the prostate doubles in size. The second phase of growth begins around age 25 and lasts for almost the rest of the man’s life. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (benign prostate enlargement) occurs most often during this second growth phase. As the prostate enlarges, it presses against the urethra. This causes the bladder wall to thicken. Over time, this causes the bladder to weaken and lose its ability to empty completely, leaving some urine in the bladder (urinary retention). Narrowing of the urethra and urinary retention cause many of the problems of benign enlargement of the prostate. The exact causes of benign prostate enlargement are not known as of October 2020.Symptoms Common signs are pain when urinating, a feeling that the bladder is full (even immediately after urination), urgent need to urinate, a weak urine stream, blood in the urine and Other urinary problems are often manifested, but some men also suffer from back pain.Treatment There are many options for treating benign prostatic hypertrophy. Sometimes a combination of treatments works best. Usually a vigilant policy or active surveillance is sufficient. Some men benefit from medication, minimally invasive surgery or surgical intervention.

Prostate cancer

Most men with the early stages of prostate cancer have no symptoms. When the cancer blocks the urethra or bladder neck, a man does suffer from symptoms such as urinary problems and back pain, but this is often already in a late cancer stage. The cancer may even have already spread (metastases). Various treatments are possible: surgery, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and/or chemotherapy.


Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) is a benign, common condition in men. Prostatitis affects men of all ages equally. Pain or burning during urination, pelvic pain, lower back pain and pain during ejaculation are well-known symptoms. The type of prostatitis determines the type of pain. For example, pelvic and lower back pain and muscle pain are typical symptoms of an acute prostate infection.

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  • Back pain: Causes, symptoms & treatment of painful back
  • Lower back pain: Causes and treatment of lower back pain
  • Upper back pain: Causes and treatment of upper back pain
  • Pain radiating to the shoulder: Shoulder pain due to a condition
  • Chronic back pain: Treatments for persistent back pain