8 Pantai Terbaik di Bahama

Municipality of Ameland and the municipal council

Ameland is an independent municipality in the province of Friesland with approximately 3674 inhabitants (2019) and a 170-fold number of tourists visiting the island annually. In the Wadden…

12 Pantai Terbaik di Texas

Men are better at multitasking than women

A bold statement, because it is generally assumed that women are better at multitasking than men. Women could perform several tasks at the same time, such as ironing,…

Greek philosophers: Plato

Plato, one of the greatest thinkers in history, describes in his ,the laws, how he sees education. Everything is focused on the child’s spiritual development, ultimately to protect…

15 Pantai Terbaik di Sydney

The meaning of the feast of All Saints

Every year on November 1, Catholics celebrate the feast of All Saints. What does that mean? We Dutch used to also get a day off, but that time…

11 Papan Seluncur Salju Terbaik 2022

Recognizing fear of failure in children & tips against fear of failure

Children can have a fear of failure, sometimes at a very young age. Negative feelings and thoughts make a child feel unwell and this often affects school performance,…

12 Taman Negara Bagian Terbaik di Kentucky

Parents’ high expectations paralyze children

Some parents want their child to achieve at all costs. Parents have extremely high expectations of their child, which often cannot meet them. Parents should leave that and…

20 Restoran Terbaik di Osaka, Jepang

Press freedom III: informal restrictions

In democratic countries, freedom of the press is legally established, but this does not mean that restrictions cannot take place behind the scenes. Sometimes restrictions on press freedom…

Sungai Arung Terbaik untuk Perjalanan Arung Jeram Keluarga

Barack Obama, who is he? Information

On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama (full name Barack Hussein Obama) will be officially inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States at 6 p.m. Dutch time….

Ski Terbaik di Skotlandia

Men can only do one thing at a time, but they can do it very well

Brain scans have shown that when men are reading, they are virtually deaf. That’s because they can only do one thing at a time. Women’s brains are designed…

Psychiatry in children and adolescents

Psychiatric disorders occur not only in adults, but also in children and adolescents. There are disorders that only occur in children, but that also occur in adults and…