Active listening

Have you ever experienced that your conversation partner suddenly says: Are you actually listening? Or: No, I don’t mean that at all! I’m not talking about that! These…

The most common mistakes in body language

When we make contact with another, we not only use words, but we also communicate with our bodies. Body language Body language refers to all the movements and…

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Moses, the man of God

The expression “man of God” is applied to Moses 6 times in the Bible. The expression indicates a special and good relationship between God and Moses, in which…

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Today, the word Chassidism refers to a large number of Jewish groups that share one common feature: following a spiritual leader, the Rebbe. The names of the groups…

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Getting to Know God (JI Packer) summary

JI Packer’s book “Getting to Know God” has become a classic for the Christian West. The great strength of the book lies in the combination of good theology…

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The Person of God in the Book of Revelation

The book of Revelation remains a closed part of the Bible for many Christians. Many even have a certain resistance to the book. After all, doesn’t God appear…

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How do you become happier and how do you get a good laugh?

Laughing is healthy. But what if you feel there is nothing to laugh about? Some problems simply make a person sad in everyday life and there is not…

10 Bar Murah Terbaik di Manhattan

Women in Afghanistan

Life for women in Afghanistan has traditionally not been easy. The power of male family members is so great that they hardly have the opportunity to make decisions…

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The Bible book the letter to the Hebrews

The letter to the Hebrews is a special book of the Bible. A greeting is missing at the beginning and the author’s name is not mentioned. Yet that…

5 Tur Hantu Charleston Terbaik

E-counselling, what is that?

Recently, counseling and coaching via the internet has become increasingly popular. Online counseling is also called e-counseling. But how exactly does it work, and who is it intended…