9 Hotel Butik Barcelona Terbaik Tahun

The Hague: opening hours, shopping Sunday, shopping evening, sales

The Hague is the third largest city in the Netherlands. The city is mainly known because it is the political heart of the Netherlands, also called the residence….

9 Boots Terbaik untuk Snowshoeing 2022

The IOW after the unemployment benefit for older unemployed people aged 60 and over

In addition to the unemployment benefit, there is an income provision for older unemployed people. When the unemployment benefit ends and you, as an older person, do not…

Kami Meneliti Bodyboard Terbaik—Inilah Pilihan Teratas Kami untuk Mengendarai Ombak

Atlantic Wall Bunker Project Dutch Wadden Islands

The Wadden Islands will all have a museum. The bunkers that remained on the islands after the Second World War are partly opened to the public and set…

7 Boat Wax Terbaik 2022

Dictator Francisco Franco

Francisco Franco emerged victorious from the Spanish Civil War and restored the monarchy to his country. He ruled Spain for decades, often with an iron fist. Franco was…

9 Penutup Kapal Terbaik 2022

The classroom as a community; how do you form a bond?

Children go to school, join a class and spend many hours in each other’s company, together with their teacher. Is the classroom a learning factory, or do you…

Jangkar Kapal Terbaik untuk Semua Jenis Kapal

Fraud in benefits and allowances: report fraud and abuse

In the Netherlands we have excellent social facilities for people who are not well off financially. Examples of this are benefits and allowances. Unfortunately, many people abuse it….

Celana Boardshort Terbaik yang Menggabungkan Gaya dan Fungsi

Marriage in other countries: unusual wedding rituals

In the West people are familiar with wedding rituals such as the bachelor party, the wedding (in town hall or church), a reception or party afterwards, and often…

34 Promo Cyber Week Terbaik untuk Produk Perjalanan

Different parenting styles

Every parent has their own way of raising children. Some people find discipline and rules very important, while others find freedom paramount and the children are let loose…

8 Destinasi Pengamatan Burung Terbaik di Inggris Raya

Typically Dutch

Anyone who thinks of the Netherlands as a foreigner gets visions of windmills, clogs and tulips. Dutch tolerance, or ‘the country where everything is allowed’, is famous. Combined…

10 Rute Bikepacking Klasik Dari Seluruh Dunia

Rangoli – a colorful cultural and religious tradition

Rangoli is a Sanskrit word that means ‘creative expression of art through the use of color’. It has religious and cultural significance. The word rangoli also refers to…